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[Regression] Xcode 14.1 is missing tvOS targets #3865

Open cgutman opened 1 year ago

cgutman commented 1 year ago

It looks like your last image update for macOS Monterey which updated to Xcode 14.1 is missing tvOS simulators. The only available tvOS target is a placeholder that displays an error stating that tvOS needs to be installed.

My pipeline command:

set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -project Moonlight.xcodeproj -scheme "Moonlight TV" -destination "platform=tvOS Simulator,OS=16.1,name=Apple TV 4K (3rd generation)" clean build | xcpretty

and the output:

2023-02-02 22:19:09.448 xcodebuild[1542:5737] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/5s/g225f6nd6jl4g8tshbh1ltk40000gn/T/ResultBundle_2023-02-02_22-19-0009.xcresult
xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier:
        { platform:tvOS Simulator, OS:16.1, name:Apple TV 4K (3rd generation) }
    The requested device could not be found because no available devices matched the request.
    Ineligible destinations for the "Moonlight TV" scheme:
        { platform:tvOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDevicePlaceholder-appletvos:placeholder, name:Any tvOS Device, error:tvOS 16.1 is not installed. To use with Xcode, first download and install the platform }
FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

Will take a look. Will update Monterey image with the latest emulators.

cgutman commented 7 months ago

For now, running xcodebuild -downloadPlatform tvOS is a usable workaround. It performs a 3GB download of the tvOS SDKs every time the pipeline runs, so it's certainly not ideal.

For your image building automation, I suggest running xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms to download all supported platforms when creating your VM images.
