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Update Qt 5.15.2 to a newer 5.15.x #3904

Closed limdor closed 1 month ago

limdor commented 5 months ago

In Windows images the minor version of Qt 5.15 is the .2 that is from November 2020. Since then there has been a lot of minor releases that fixes several issues. Please update to Qt 5.15.16.

limdor commented 5 months ago

I just realized that the reason why the lastest 5.15 available is 5.15.2 is because higher minor releases are only available to commercial users.

bjorn commented 5 months ago

Actually later versions have eventually been released as open source as well, but only as source code and not as binary installable. So you can build your Qt app against a more recent Qt 5.15 (up to Qt 5.15.12 currently), but only if you compile it yourself.

The source code can be obtained from git or downloaded from