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"Publishing to NuGet feed" instructions are not helpful #707

Open qwertie opened 4 years ago

qwertie commented 4 years ago

This page refers to a settings page "Settings → Encrypt YAML" that does not appear to exist. There is a "Settings → NuGet" section that contains an "API key" that I can "Generate" but there is no explanation of what its purpose is.

I already have a section like the following in my appveyor.yml and I am wondering: how do I safely update this to use a new key that I generated on (given that the file is publicly visible on

    - provider: NuGet
          secure: DHTp3wMjKqyca2PWftol2wq7DxE9KdL8AizHVIS24T4DSSMXgc0bIiCGvvA8SkTH
      skip_symbols: false         # Whether to not publish symbol pkgs (src/pdb)
      artifact: /.*\.nupkg/
          branch: master          # Release from master branch only.
          appveyor_repo_tag: true # Deploy on tag push only.
FeodorFitsner commented 4 years ago

"Encrypt YAML" is under "Account" menu now. Docs have been updated, thanks for the catch!