appwrite / demo-todo-with-react

A basic demo example for integrating between Appwrite & React JS 💙
MIT License
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feat: initial commit #1

Closed christyjacob4 closed 3 years ago

christyjacob4 commented 3 years ago

For anyone reviewing it, heres a live demo Readme :

christyjacob4 commented 3 years ago

@PineappleIOnic Do you have any thoughts on the architecture, naming, file structure that can be improved? I did not go for redux for state management because I thought it would be an overkill for this project.

gioragutt commented 3 years ago

@christyjacob4 I suggest using typescript for the project.

If only for the reason of making sure that the Appwrite related code is typed, which would make it easier to reason about for people looking for examples.

The same benefit would apply to the rest of the code, although not to the same extent.

christyjacob4 commented 3 years ago

@gioragutt Thank you for the suggestion 😄 . I have used create-react-app for bootstrapping the project. I found these instructions to convert it to a typescript project. Is this what you had in mind?

gioragutt commented 3 years ago

@christyjacob4 well it's basically up to you, whether to recreate the project (with the typescript template) or to migrate it via the guide.

IMO the project is small enough to recreate from the typescript template.

gioragutt commented 3 years ago

Also, I'd rename the vercel app url to or something similar

TorstenDittmann commented 3 years ago

@christyjacob4 I suggest using typescript for the project.

If only for the reason of making sure that the Appwrite related code is typed, which would make it easier to reason about for people looking for examples.

The same benefit would apply to the rest of the code, although not to the same extent.

Would recommend this too.

Especially since Typescript in combination with a Framework/Library like React, Vue and Svelte (no need to mention Angular 😄) is the norm now.

christyjacob4 commented 3 years ago

Also, I'd rename the vercel app url to or something similar

Sounds like a plan @gioragutt 😄

christyjacob4 commented 3 years ago

@TorstenDittmann @gioragutt Sure Ill make those modifications 😄