appwrite / templates

Templates for Appwrite Functions ⚡️🌩️
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🚀 Feature: Add Sync with Meilisearch for Kotlin #192

Closed gewenyu99 closed 7 months ago

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

Appwrite Functions allow you to extend and customize your Appwrite server functionality by executing your custom code. 🤩 You can learn more at our official Appwrite Functions docs.

Your task is to implement the Sync with Meilisearch function in Kotlin. You can look at the existing Appwrite Functions Templates in another coding language.

Your function should behave and be implemented similarly to existing Sync with Meilisearch Node.js template.

Tasks summary:

If you need any help, contact us on our Discord server.

Are you ready to work on this issue? 🤔 Let us know, and we will assign it to you 😊

Happy Appwriting!

mohith2883 commented 9 months ago

Hey @gewenyu99 can u assign me

loks0n commented 9 months ago

Awesome! I have assigned you @mohith2883 🥳


Haimantika commented 9 months ago

Hi @mohith2883 is there any update?

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

Hey @Haimantika I'd like to take this up. Can you assign this to me

Haimantika commented 9 months ago

Hi @mohith2883 unassigning the issue due to inactivity. @ShamanthOP the issue is yours now, please update every 3 days

Haimantika commented 9 months ago

Hi @ShamanthOP is there an update? We will have to unassign the issue from you due to inactivity

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

Hey I'm having trouble serving static files ... Hope to resolve it soon

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

Hey I'm having trouble serving static files ... Hope to resolve it soon

What static files do you need to serve?

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

@gewenyu99 HTML file 🔗

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

Ohhh coool, @ShamanthOP can I see your code?

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

Hey @gewenyu99 Check this out #234

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

@ShamanthOP I don't see anything obviously wrong. How about this, try these steps and see where it fails:

  1. Return a plain response
  2. Return a "


    " string as HTML
  3. Return a static HTML without the Util functions.
  4. Use your util functions.

I'm wondering where the problem might lie, lmk!

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

Hey @gewenyu99 the current code in #234 is working fine. The problem is that I'm not able to read the HTML file from say static/index.html (support post)

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

Hey @gewenyu99 the current code in #234 is working fine. The problem is that I'm not able to read the HTML file from say static/index.html (support post)

Ahhh I see. @ShamanthOP The root directory isn't going to be relative from your code folder because your function is invoked from a runtime that treats it as a dependency. So the root level directory is going to be different.

Is there a way to normalize paths? Maybe try this, print the path of ./ and experiment with where your paths are based from.

gewenyu99 commented 9 months ago

also @ShamanthOP try joining office hours, we can debug together live :P

ShamanthOP commented 9 months ago

also @ShamanthOP try joining office hours, we can debug together live :P

Sure. I'll experiment with this and I'll let you know⚡