While following Build an ideas tracker with React tutorial, on step 7, src/App.jsx has the following code
line 4: import { IdeaProvider } from "./lib/context/ideas";
line 12: <IdeaProvider>
line 15: </IdeaProvider>
which basically imports IdeaProvider from "./lib/context/ideas", but ideas.jsx does not export IdeaProvider, instead it exports Idea**s**Provider. Hence, this needs to be corrected.
While following
Build an ideas tracker with React
tutorial, on step 7, src/App.jsx has the following codeline 4:
import { IdeaProvider } from "./lib/context/ideas";
line 12:<IdeaProvider>
line 15:</IdeaProvider>
which basically imports IdeaProvider from "./lib/context/ideas", but ideas.jsx does not export IdeaProvider, instead it exports
. Hence, this needs to be corrected.