Closed apraka16 closed 6 years ago
On TapGesture, Sound (swoosh or jump) should play completely and only then Speech should play out.
Something to do with:
func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(_ player: AVAudioPlayer, successfully flag: Bool) { <#code#> }
AVAudioPlayerDelegate to be implemented. More importantly, sounds should be synched, so that one is interrupted when other starts to play.
Updated the issue to make it overarching.
Implemented AVSpeechSynthesizer.isSpeaking at select places to make sure voiceover is interrupted when required to continue with next statement.
On TapGesture, Sound (swoosh or jump) should play completely and only then Speech should play out.
Something to do with:
AVAudioPlayerDelegate to be implemented. More importantly, sounds should be synched, so that one is interrupted when other starts to play.