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Conversion to learnr or to swirl? #2

Open lwjohnst86 opened 5 years ago

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Love this attempt to convert datacamp material to something else. I was working on a DataCamp course and (for multiple reasons both my own and theirs) production kept getting delayed or pushed back. They threatened a few times to cancel production. I was basically done (they were doing a final review), then the whole incident and "apology" post happened, a few days went by after that and they ended up deciding to cancel my course production.

Anyway, since course production is a huge amount of work that I didn't want wasted, I started writing a script to convert the material into the learnr tutorial (https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/index.html). I was planning on making a gist out of it and tweet about it, but if you intend to make a package on this, I'd love to help! My material is here so far (still developing it) https://github.com/lwjohnst86/acd.course/blob/master/R/convert-from-datacamp.R you can use it as you want or we can work together on this :)

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Also, I guess there isn't anything wrong with creating functions to generate both swirl and learnr tutorials/material from the same datacamp material (maybe even generating a book-type format too).

apreshill commented 5 years ago

Hi there and thank you so much for the links! You made way more and better progress than I did- this is exciting to see. I started thinking small, only about how to get my DC slides into a xaringan format. I would love to work together on this, and really like the idea of course conversation to swirl and learnr (and any other type). I was also looking at the learnr tutorial format but it would need to be hosted somewhere (full disclosure: I work at RStudio).

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Amazing :grin: So yes, learnr does need to be hosted as a shiny app... but! It can also be converted into an R package and used via learnr::run_tutorial("chapter1", package = "acd.course") (which would be my course). This would open it up and allow the learner to work interactively on the material, on their own local computer. Which I think is nifty!

And yes, I know you work at RStudio :) I'm a fan of all the work RStudio does and try to contribute where/when I can.

Great! Ok, so then I can start converting my code into functions and then put it into this repo! Sound good?

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Someone already converted their material (but in Python): https://github.com/ines/spacy-course

apreshill commented 5 years ago

Awesome, yes! Yes I think local learnr tutorials via package delivery would be great. Goodness I'm so glad you were on twitter and saw this repo :)

reuning commented 5 years ago

Hey all are you still planning on working on this. I'm in the process of switching away from datacamp and found this. I started expanding on what @lwjohnst86 had already done. It is here https://github.com/reuning/campout

I'm not as familiar with the whole tidyverse university but really would like to get this working for my own course (as well as others).

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Yeeessss, I am still working on it, whenever I can get time aside from my other projects. I'm really prioritizing this project over the next few weeks, since I want my (unfinished) course to be converted as well.

So, I think we both would loooovvveeee some help developing this! So far most of the work has been done on my repo (https://github.com/lwjohnst86/campout). I have several functions that I haven't pushed up yet from my local repo.

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

So please, send over your PRs!!! :grin: