aprilis / messenger

Unofficial Facebook Messenger app for elementary OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
90 stars 7 forks source link

Error when starting app #60

Open Hedronmx opened 2 years ago

Hedronmx commented 2 years ago
https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yL/r/PzUABl5SQgb.js?_nc_x=y4cdYvtH35o&_nc_eui2=AeFWDINPr40hPF53y1j5TDzCcmNab4Sq7r9yY1pvhKruv6ST98TVw1wKAGXQB2N0ZTymM_voj7CiEJwCvYbqvRNU:55:568: CONSOLE ERROR ErrorUtils caught an error:

Transport could not be initialized

Subsequent non-fatal errors won't be logged; see https://fburl.com/debugjs.

I would assume something on facebooks end changed. I can receive and chat with people but I cant open my friends list