apritzel / pine64

Pine64 Linux images and information
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Failed to mount '/dev/sdd1 ; Failed to mount '/dev/sdd10' #2

Closed umiddelb closed 8 years ago

umiddelb commented 8 years ago

Although you image starts with a valid partition table, the filesystems seem to be unmountable. Any ideas?

apritzel commented 8 years ago

Those partitions are just placeholders, they are actually not formatted (yet). One reason for that was to keep the image small, also I wanted to get it out of the door, so since they are not actually needed, I simply skipped them. If you have a rootfs lying around somewhere, do a "mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/sdd10", then mount it and untar your archive there. If you actually have the rootfs as an ext{2,3,4} image already, you can simply "dd" it to the partition (assuming it's less than 960 MB), then "resize2fs /dev/sdd10" to adjust it's size.

apritzel commented 8 years ago

Oh, and if you care about sdd1: You can copy the content of the original Pine64 Android image's sdd1 into that (after "mkdosfs -T 32 /dev/sdd1" & mounting it). It didn't dare to copy their files, also it's mostly about the bootlogo only anyway AFAICS, so not really something I deeply care about ;-)

umiddelb commented 8 years ago

If you have a rootfs lying around somewhere, do a "mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/sdd10", then mount it and untar your archive there.

I have two of them: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eh42yu8vyiootpy/AABdmwKI0v7F_BD0wKI5mkrBa?dl=0

apritzel commented 8 years ago

Worked for me with the jessie image, just need to nuke the root password ;-)

umiddelb commented 8 years ago

no need to nuke anything, just use


for logging in. The debian user has sudo privileges. For ubuntu, use


What about the kernel modules and firmware blobs? Where can I find them in order to add them to the roofs?

apritzel commented 8 years ago

Please note that this first image is very early proof of concept. There are no modules at this point in time. For firmware blobs please relate to either Allwinner or the guys at Pine64.com. The image is more meant to provide a starting point for further hacking activities by making it easier to run your own kernel on it.

umiddelb commented 8 years ago

You're right, it should be sufficient to bootstrap a running debian system.

Once I've succeeded building a Linux kernel from source I can copy /lib/modules and /lib/firmware to the rootfs.