apritzel / pine64

Pine64 Linux images and information
119 stars 28 forks source link

the right kernel offset is 0x01080000, not 0x01800000 #3

Closed umiddelb closed 8 years ago

umiddelb commented 8 years ago
.../mkbootimg --kernel arch/arm64/boot/Image --base 0x40000000 --kernel_offset 0x01080000 --board Pine64 --pagesize 2048 -o arch/arm64/boot/Image.boota
sudo dd if=arch/arm64/boot/Image.boota bs=1M of=/dev/mmcblk0p7
apritzel commented 8 years ago

Indeed. Turns out I had fixed this typo here in my script (after it had cost me half an hour of head scratching), but forgot to propagate this into the README. Thanks for reporting, fixed it in the repo.