aprox2 / GeoLocationLanguageManagerPlugin

Language manager plugin for CSSharp that uses users ip for geo location.
7 stars 0 forks source link

[REQ] Better location of databases in the plugins folder #2

Open crashzk opened 3 months ago

crashzk commented 3 months ago

Would it be possible, any way to make the databases be read in the plugins folder instead of the plugins root folder?

This way we can save time when updating the GeoLite2-Country.mmdb databases in each plugin folder that has it.

In other words, I just put it inside the CSSharp plugins folder and all plugins use the database directly from there, without having to send it to each plugin folder.

aprox2 commented 3 months ago

Hey, this is a valid and reasonable request. I could do this but atm I am busy with my other projects. I will try to this somewhere between 06.may - 10.may. If I don't feel free to ping me again.

crashzk commented 2 months ago

@aprox2 just to remember. :blush:

aprox2 commented 2 months ago

Done. Don't have time to test it now and create a release. If you have the time you can build it and try https://github.com/aprox2/GeoLocationLanguageManagerPlugin/pull/3

crashzk commented 2 months ago

@aprox2 I compiled and sent this new version, plugin doesn't even start. No error logs, nothing, just doesn't start the plugin, previous version everything is fine.

.NET 8.0 version of CSSharp I'm using.

aprox2 commented 2 months ago

Wtf. Ok Ill try to fix this today

aprox2 commented 2 months ago

Hey was busy, but I fixed a bug. Also if nothing is loading make sure to update the metamod dev package. Try now and if it works I will push these changes and update the Readme file

crashzk commented 2 months ago

Nothing yet, plugin doesn't load yet.

Would support for NET 8.0 be possible? CSSharp is already using it.

Note: I removed all the plugins that used this database and others GeoLite2-XXX.mmdb and placed the databases in the plugins folder, but the plugin still didn't work.

css_plugins list

  List of all plugins currently loaded by CounterStrikeSharp: 23 plugins loaded.
  [#1:LOADED]: "AFK Manager" (0.1.2) by NiGHT & K4ryuu (forked by Глеб Хлебов)
  [#2:LOADED]: "ResetScore" (1.0.4) by StefanX
  [#3:LOADED]: "Tag" (0.0.3) by schwarper
  [#4:LOADED]: "[VIP] Core" (v1.2.9) by thesamefabius
  [#5:LOADED]: "CustomCommands" (2.1.0) by HerrMagic
    Create your own commands per config
  [#6:LOADED]: "K4-Arenas" (1.4.3 (release)) by K4ryuu
    An arena plugin for Counter-Strike2
  [#7:LOADED]: "CS2 GOTV Discord" (1.2.7) by K4ryuu
  [#8:LOADED]: "Reserved Slots" (1.0.7) by Nocky (SourceFactory.eu)
  [#9:LOADED]: "InventorySimulator" (1.0.0-beta.25) by Ian Lucas
    Inventory Simulator (cs2.zkservidores.com)
  [#10:LOADED]: "[Custom] Plugin Commands Blocker" (V. 1.0.1 [Beta]) by Manifest @Road To Glory
    Prevents players from accessing your server's plugin information through the player console.
  [#11:LOADED]: "[VIP] Test" (v1.0.0) by thesamefabius
  [#12:LOADED]: "CSS-Panel" (1.5.2) by daffyy & Dliix66 & ShiNxz
    Simple admin plugin for Counter-Strike 2 :)
  [#13:LOADED]: "SteamGroupRestrict" (1.0.0) by BMathers
  [#14:LOADED]: "Auto Map Changer" (1.0.8A) by skaen
  [#15:LOADED]: "[VIP] Fov" (v1.0.1) by thesamefabius
  [#16:LOADED]: "High Ping Kicker" (0.0.6) by conch
    Kicks users with high ping
  [#17:LOADED]: "ExtraUtilities" (0.1.6) by heartbreakhotel
    Additional server utilities
  [#18:LOADED]: "Steam Restrict" (1.2.1) by K4ryuu, Cruze @ KitsuneLab
    Restrict certain players from connecting to your server.
  [#19:LOADED]: "K4-System" (4.3.0 (release)) by K4ryuu
    Enhances the server with playtime tracking, statistics, commands, and player ranks.
  [#20:LOADED]: "Advertisement" (v1.0.7) by thesamefabius
  [#21:LOADED]: "AutoUpdater" (1.0.4) by dranix
    Auto Updater for Counter-Strike 2.
  [#22:LOADED]: "[VIP] Flags" (v1.0.0) by thesamefabius
  [#23:LOADED]: "Auto Delete Logs" (1.0.2) by Gold KingZ
    Auto Delete Logs Files

meta version

 Metamod:Source Version Information
    Metamod:Source version 2.0.0-dev+1291
    Plugin interface version: 16:14
    SourceHook version: 5:5
    Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt)
    Compiled on: Apr 30 2024 16:22:46
    Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source/commit/607301a
    Build ID: 1291:607301a

meta list

Listing 3 plugins:
  [01] GOTVCrashFix (1.0.0) by Poggu
  [02] CounterStrikeSharp (v233 @ 02d5191) by Roflmuffin
  [03] ServerListPlayersFix (1.0.1) by Poggu
aprox2 commented 2 months ago

That's weird, because it did load for me and it was working. Add me on Discord, we can try to debug there "aproxje".