Closed iw1cgw closed 9 months ago
Just to double check, are the two different "meteo" devices different, or is it an accident?
Hi, yes, they are different devices, I have a class of devices in LoRa and another in old AX25 at 1200 baud. I wanted to distinguish them - if possible -
Ok. LoRa devices have been recently allocated in the APL* prefix, and people have been using that prefix to filter & display LoRa stations only. So the AX.25 devices should perhaps go to some other prefix
You are right ! what I proposed is not good for AX25 devices, can you choose You as an alternative or do I open another ticket just for AX25 devices? - For LoRa I think it could be fine, right?
tocall: APHRM? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: Meteo class: wx contact:
tocall: APHRT? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: Telemetry class: contact:
Ok, thanks. I have allocated APLHI? APLHM? APHRM? APHRT? in ad79d6838062cbd6001f6e63c9fec719929c0247 .
thanks for your patience ! -- 73 iw1cgw Giovanni @ North West Italy
I would like to request the APLH?? dest call for my projects of APRS: igate, digipeaters, WX stations, telemetry devices. Currently there are some stations in the world working with my HAM solutions available on GitHub or:
To sum up my request
tocall: APLHI? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: LoRa IGate/Digipeater/Telemetry class: digi contact:
tocall: APLHM? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: LoRa Meteostation class: wx contact:
tocall: APLHA? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: Meteo class: wx contact:
tocall: APLHB? vendor: Giovanni, IW1CGW model: Telemetry class: contact:
73 and all the best! Giovanni, IW1CGW