apryet / Qgridder

Qgis python plugin for building 2D grids for finite difference numerical modeling
MIT License
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List of suggested enhancements #9

Open apryet opened 9 years ago

apryet commented 9 years ago

A. In a close future ... => Optimization of refinement for structured grids The refinement strategy currently implemented in Qgridder is based on the "propagation" of fixes to topology rules violation with neighboring cells. This is optimized for nested meshes but results in slow refinement operations for structured meshes. As an alternative for structured meshes, we plan to implement row-wise and column-wise cell splitting. => Undo capability while refining It is quite common to refine progressively and observe an issue after several refinement operations. We will shortly propose the capability to undo the 1-4 last operations, depending the mesh size.

B. In a not so close future.. => Rotation capability It is sometimes necessary to orientate the mesh in a direction different to north-south, we will provide this capability a the creation of the mesh and the possibility to adjust the rotation angle after refinement.

=> Extension to a finite element mesh with Gmsh This is under testing but as it is based on a binary Gmsh executable, the distribution of this extension will be plateform dependant.

Feel free to propose enhancements, we'll see if we can implement them !

jkall commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to use the QGIS delaunay triangulation feature (instead of Gmsh) for the extension to a finite element mesh?

apryet commented 9 years ago

Thank you for this suggestion, this is an interesting option since it may avoid the dependence on a compiled executable (Gmsh) to build meshes. However Gmsh allows the construction of meshes with quadrilateral elements, as required by SUTRA (USGS), which makes it interesting.

jkall commented 9 years ago

I see, that is a good reason for using Gmsh indeed. Thank you for the information. Looking forward to test this feature (and the others) whenever you get time to complete them.