apsun / NekoSMS

A pattern-based text message blocker for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
417 stars 44 forks source link

SMS blocking doesn't work anymore #66

Closed Fantasy156 closed 4 years ago

Fantasy156 commented 4 years ago

Write your issue description here.

If you are submitting a bug report and do not include the following info, your issue will be ignored!

Please paste your Xposed logs (Xposed Installer -> Logs -> Menu -> Save to SD card) below:

--------- beginning of head
EdXposed Log
Powered by Log Catcher
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Telegram support group: @Code_Of_MeowCat
Telegram channel: @EdXposed
--------- beginning of information
Manufacturer: OnePlus
Brand: OnePlus
Device: OnePlus3T
Product: OnePlus3
Model: ONEPLUS A3010
Fingerprint: OnePlus/OnePlus3/OnePlus3T:9/PKQ1.181203.001/1911042108:user/release-keys
ROM description: OnePlus3-user 9 PKQ1.181203.001 1911042108 release-keys
Architecture: arm64-v8a
Android build: QQ1D.200105.002
Android version: 10
Android sdk: 29
EdXposed version: v0.4.6.1 (4504)-tdgptedc (SandHook)
EdXposed api: 90.0
Riru version: v19.6 (28)
Riru api: 4
Magisk: 20.4-ed58cf95:MAGISKSU (20304)
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
02-06 23:59:03.896   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.raincat.unblockneteasemusic-mGRbEansW4tDTV4i6DugwQ==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:03.970   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.raincat.unblockneteasemusic.MainHook
02-06 23:59:03.975   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.crossbowffs.nekosms-SqV5TlHfgY_K710vmcRLIw==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:04.101   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook
02-06 23:59:04.104   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.XposedUtilsHook
02-06 23:59:04.105   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.android.z-GnpG_mQa5sBLAAt9WwpbZw==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:04.289   584   584 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.android.z.XHook.ZuperHook
02-06 23:59:05.046  1151  1151 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:12.539  1970  1970 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:13.579  2114  2114 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:14.149  2166  2166 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:14.391  2190  2190 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:14.444  2240  2240 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:14.773  2201  2201 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:14.983  2218  2218 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:15.021  2280  2280 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:15.179  2289  2289 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:15.611  2227  2227 E EdXposed-Bridge: Cannot load any modules because /data/user_de/0/org.meowcat.edxposed.manager/conf/modules.list was not found
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.android.internal.telephony.InboundSmsHandler#dispatchIntent(android.content.Intent,java.lang.String,int,android.os.Bundle,android.content.BroadcastReceiver,android.os.UserHandle)#exact
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedHelpers.findMethodExact(XposedHelpers.java:344)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(XposedHelpers.java:185)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(XposedHelpers.java:260)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook.hookDispatchIntent23(SmsHandlerHook.java:290)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook.hookDispatchIntent(SmsHandlerHook.java:310)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook.hookSmsHandler(SmsHandlerHook.java:320)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook.handleLoadPackage(SmsHandlerHook.java:337)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.IXposedHookLoadPackage$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(IXposedHookLoadPackage.java:37)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.callbacks.XC_LoadPackage.call(XC_LoadPackage.java:61)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.callbacks.XCallback.callAll(XCallback.java:117)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.elderdrivers.riru.edxp._hooker.impl.LoadedApkGetCL.afterHookedMethod(LoadedApkGetCL.java:68)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at de.robv.android.xposed.XC_MethodHook.callAfterHookedMethod(XC_MethodHook.java:68)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.swift.sandhook.xposedcompat.hookstub.HookStubManager.hookBridge(HookStubManager.java:388)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at SandHookerNew_35f4vrpdo2vmlbkhbqk0r22p8o.hook(Unknown Source:46)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.LoadedApk.getResources(LoadedApk.java:1188)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ContextImpl.createAppContext(ContextImpl.java:2462)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ContextImpl.createAppContext(ContextImpl.java:2454)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:6343)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.swift.sandhook.SandHook.callOriginMethod(SandHook.java:185)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.swift.sandhook.xposedcompat.hookstub.HookStubManager.hookBridge(HookStubManager.java:375)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at SandHookerNew_5sm3dthec8858ee0to4kj3c1ge.hook(Unknown Source:51)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1300(ActivityThread.java:219)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1859)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7356)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:491)
02-06 23:59:15.640  2240  2240 E EdXposed-Bridge:   at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:915)
02-06 23:59:16.632  2438  2438 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:17.649  2527  2527 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:19.976  2630  2630 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:23.974  2827  2827 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:24.141   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.raincat.unblockneteasemusic-mGRbEansW4tDTV4i6DugwQ==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:24.230  2854  2854 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:24.267  2893  2893 E EdXposed-Bridge: Cannot load any modules because /data/user_de/0/org.meowcat.edxposed.manager/conf/modules.list was not found
02-06 23:59:24.331   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.raincat.unblockneteasemusic.MainHook
02-06 23:59:24.333   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.crossbowffs.nekosms-SqV5TlHfgY_K710vmcRLIw==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:24.488  2900  2900 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:24.510  2949  2949 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:24.584  2873  2873 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:24.752   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.SmsHandlerHook
02-06 23:59:24.773   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.crossbowffs.nekosms.xposed.XposedUtilsHook
02-06 23:59:24.774   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.android.z-GnpG_mQa5sBLAAt9WwpbZw==/base.apk
02-06 23:59:25.305   585   585 I EdXposed-Bridge:   Loading class com.android.z.XHook.ZuperHook
02-06 23:59:25.981  2921  2921 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:26.607  3023  3023 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:27.227  3032  3032 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:28.719  3053  3053 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:31.390  3244  3244 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:31.599  3269  3269 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:35.934  3511  3511 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:36.365  3596  3596 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:36.627  3538  3538 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:39.371  3759  3759 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:42.443  3883  3883 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:42.865  3911  3911 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:43.363  3921  3921 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:44.589  4057  4057 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:44.748  4035  4035 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:46.042  4106  4106 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:48.369  3953  3953 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:48.468  4196  4196 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:49.585  4244  4244 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:52.741  4419  4419 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:53.625  4520  4520 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:55.215  4589  4589 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:55.568  4628  4628 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:58.735  4782  4782 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-06 23:59:59.365  4831  4831 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:02.838  4918  4918 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:09.590  5361  5361 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:11.929  5435  5435 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:19.615  5623  5623 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:27.761  5803  5803 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:30.521  5891  5891 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:31.514  5927  5927 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:35.269  6014  6014 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:35.638  6035  6035 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:46.343  6281  6281 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:51.212  6538  6538 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:00:52.211  6563  6563 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:12.465  6862  6862 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:19.718  7034  7034 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:19.777  7042  7042 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:23.543  7166  7166 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:27.685  7244  7244 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:31.463  7333  7333 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:32.651  7408  7408 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:36.934  7554  7554 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:37.789  7630  7630 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:39.626  7690  7690 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:42.086  7736  7736 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:44.787  7807  7807 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:48.347  7894  7894 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:49.742  7919  7919 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:52.272  7986  7986 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:56.093  8049  8049 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:01:57.139  8082  8082 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:02:00.954  8363  8363 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:02:01.159  8387  8387 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:02:03.212  8534  8534 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:02:05.018  8650  8650 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====
02-07 00:02:06.359  8756  8756 I EdXposed-Bridge: ===== Zuper Bypass Signature Activated =====

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