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Review Multi-language Support in VueJs Apps #4

Closed kickapoo closed 5 years ago

kickapoo commented 5 years ago

Option 1 - i18n / 3380 stars

The more standard way is the use of Vue-i18n Below minor blog post series is quick and informative about this plug in:

  1. https://medium.com/vuejoy/internationalization-in-vue-with-vue-i18n-part-1-a1a3c6b47755
  2. https://medium.com/vuejoy/internationalization-with-vue-i18n-part-2-8256e80c2302

But from our previous experience with aira translation there are at least 100 string to be translated which means a huge object like:

const messages = {   
  en: {     
    message: {       
      hello: 'hello world'     
  fr: {     
   message: {       
     hello: 'Bonjour monde'     

Option 2 - gettext / 155 stars

There is also vue-gettext. The functianilty is know as in high level works like django gettext / django translate cli commans, but the lib is not mature. Live Demo

Option 3 / 69 stars

Nothing to write. Just putting it here because I wanted a another option. [vue-translate] (https://github.com/javisperez/vuetranslate)

I think option 1 - Vue-i18n is the proper way to support multi-language support.

aptiko commented 5 years ago

No problem with me, let's use vue-i18n. But let's first verify that we do need i18n—I will create a new ticket for that.

aptiko commented 5 years ago

I'm not creating a ticket, I just asked @nmalamos for confirmation on Slack, and yes, we do need i18n.