I cannot retrieve any documents through a proxy. I have still the following message:
[!] Download failure for Kaspersky_OlympicDestroyerisstillalive(06-19-2018) HTTPSConnectionPool(host='app.box.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /s/v49iu7e3x1tawdlpcj7f0wp76js4tl3i (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required',)))
I cannot retrieve any documents through a proxy. I have still the following message: ./APTnotes_sync_download.py [!] Download failure for Kaspersky_OlympicDestroyerisstillalive(06-19-2018) HTTPSConnectionPool(host='app.box.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /s/v49iu7e3x1tawdlpcj7f0wp76js4tl3i (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required',)))
Any idea ?