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[AIP-9][Discussion] Resource Groups #26

Closed davidiw closed 1 year ago

davidiw commented 1 year ago

AIP-9 - Resource Groups (Discussion)

aip: 9 title: Resource Groups author: davidiw, wrwg, msmouse discussions-to: https://github.com/aptos-foundation/AIPs/issues/26 Status: Draft last-call-end-date: type: Standard (Interface, Framework) created: 2023/1/5 updated: N/A requires: N/A


This AIP proposes resource groups to support storing multiple distinct Move resources together into a single storage slot.


Over the course of development, it often becomes convenient to add new fields to a resource or support an optional, heterogeneous set of resources. However, resources and structs are immutable after being published to the blockchain, hence, the only pathway to add a new field is via a new resource.

Each distinct resource within Aptos requires a storage slot. Each storage slot is a unique entry within a Merkle tree or authenticated data structure. Each proof within the authenticated data structure occupies 32 * LogN bytes, where N is the total amount of storage slots. At N = 1,000,000, this results in a 640 byte proof.

With 1,000,000 storage slots in use, adding even a new resource that contains only an event handle uses approximately 680 bytes, where the event handle requires only 40. The remaining 640 bytes comes from the new authenticated data proofs, which can be orders of magnitude larger than the data being authenticated. Beyond the capacity demands, reads and writes incur additional costs associated with proof verification and generation, respectively.

Resource groups allow for dynamic, co-location of data such that adding a new event can be done even after creation of the resource group and with a fixed storage and execution costs independent of the amount of slots in storage. In turn, this provides a convenient way to evolve data types and co-locate data from different resources.


A resource group co-locates data into a single storage slot by encoding within the Move source files attributes that specify which resources should be combined into a single storage slot. Resource groups have no semantic effect on Move, only on the organization of storage.

At the storage layer, the resource groups are stored as a BCS-encoded BTreeMap where the key is a BCS-encoded fully qualified struct name (address::module_name::struct_name, e.g., 0x1::account::Account) and the value is the BCS-encoded data associated with the resource.


The above diagram illustrates data stored at address 0xcafef00d. 0x1::account::Account is a resource stored at address 0xcafef00d. 0xaa::resource::Group contains a set of resources or a resource group stored at the same address. The resource group packs multiple resources into the group. Resources within a resource group require nested reading, wherein first the resource group must be read from storge followed by reading the specific resource from the resource group.

Alternative 1 — Any within a SimpleMap

One alternative that was considered is storing data in a SimpleMap using the any module. While this is a model that could be shipped without any change to Aptos-core, it incurs some drawbacks around developer and application complexity both on and off-chain. There’s no implicit caching, and therefore any read or write would require a deserialization of the object and any write would require a serialization. This means a transaction with 3 writes would result in 3 deserializations and 3 serializations. In order to get around this, the framework would need substantial, non-negligible changes, though with the emergence of SmartMap there may be more viability here. Finally, due to the lack of a common pattern, indexers and APIs would not be able to easily access this data.

Alternative 2 — Generics

Another alternative was using templates. The challenge with using templates is that data cannot be partially read without knowing what the template type is. For example, consider an object that might be a token. In resource groups, one could easily read the Object or the Token resource. In templates, one would need to read the Object<Token>. This could also be worked around by complex framework changes and risks around partially reading BCS-encoded data, an application, which has yet to be considered. The same issues in Move would impact those using the REST API.

Generalizations of Issues

There are myriad combinations between the above two approaches. In general, the drawbacks are


Within the Framework

A resource group consists of several distinct resources, or a Move struct that has the key ability.

Each resource group is identified by a common Move struct:

#[resource_group(scope = global)]
struct ObjectGroup { }

Where this struct has no fields and the attribute: resource_group. The attribute resource_group has the parameter scope that limits the location of other entries within the resource group:

The motivation of using a struct is that

  1. It allows all resources within the group to have a compile time validation that they are within that group
  2. It can build upon the existing storage model that knows how to read and write data stored at StructTags. Thus it limits the implementation impact to the VM and readers of storage, storage can remain agnostic to this change.
  3. Only struct and fun can have attributes, which in turn let’s us define additional parameters like scope.

Each entry in a resource group is identified by the resource_group_member attribute:

#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct Object has key {
    guid_creation_num: u64,

#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
struct Token has key {
    name: String,

During compilation and publishing, these attributes are checked to ensure that:

  1. A resource_group has no abilities and no fields.
  2. The scope within the resource_group can only become more permissive, that is it can either remain at a remain at the same level of accessibility or increase to the next.
  3. Each resource within a resource group has a resource_group_member attribute.
  4. The group parameter is set to a struct that is labeled as a resource_group.
  5. During upgrade, an existing struct cannot either add or remove a resource_group_member.

The motivation for each of these requirements are:

  1. Ensures that a resource_group struct won't be used for other storage purposes. While there is no strict requirement that this be true, it is intended to mitigate confusion to developers.
  2. Making a scope less permissive can result in breakage of deployed resource_group_members.
  3. Without explicitly labeling a resource resource_group_member, there is no way for Move to know that it is within a resource_group.
  4. Is discussed above as the intent to enforce clean typesafety and a single place to define the properties of the resource group.
  5. If there exists data stored wtihin a resource, entering or leaving a resource group can result in that data being inaccessible.

Within Storage

From a storage perspective, a resource group is stored as a BCS-encoded BTreeMap<StructTag, BCS encoded MoveValue>, where a StructTag is a known structure in Move of the form: { account: Address, module_name: String, struct_name: String }. Whereas, a typical resource is stored as a BCS encoded MoveValue.

Resource groups introduce a new storage access path: ResourceGroup to distinguish from existing access paths. This provides a cleaner interface and segregation of different types of storage. This becomes advantageous to indexers and other direct readers of storage that can now parse storage without inspecting module metadata. Using the example above, 0x1::account::Account is stored at AccessPath::Resource(0xcafef00d, 0x1::account::Account), whereas the resource group and its contents are stored at AccessPath::ResourceGroup(0xcafef00d, 0xaa::resource::Group)

The only way to tell that a resource is within a resource group is by reading the module metadata associated with the resource. After reading module metadata, the storage client should either directly read form the AccessPath::Resource or by first reading AccessPath::ResourceGroup followed by deserializing the BTreeMap and then extracting the appropriate resource.

At write time, an element of a resource group must be appropriately updated into a resource group by determining the delta the resource group as a result of the write operation. This results in the handful of possibilities:

Within the Gas Schedule and the VM

The implications for the gas schedule are:

Within the Interface

The above text in storage discusses the layout for resources and resources groups. User facing interfaces, such as a REST API, should not be exposed to resource groups. It is entirely a Move concept. A direct read on a resource group should be avoided. A resource group should be flattened and included within a set of resources when reading bulk resources at an address.

Reference Implementation


Risks and Drawbacks

None of these are major roadblocks and will be addressed as part of the implementation of Resource Groups.

Future Potential

While resources cannot seamlessly adopted into resource groups, it is likely that many of the commonly used resources are migrated into new resources within resource groups to give more flexibility to upgradeability, because a resource group does not lock developers into a fixed resource layout. In fact, this returns Aptos back to supporting a more idiomatic Move, which co-locates resources stored at an address — being freed from perf considerations which hindered developers before.

Another area worth investigating is whether or not a templated struct can be within a resource group depending on what the generic type is. Consider the current Aptos Account and the CoinStore<AptosCoin>. Storing them separately has negative impact on performance and storage costs.

In the current VM implementation, resources are cached upon read. This can be improved with caching of the entire resource group at read time.

Suggested implementation timeline


davidiw commented 1 year ago

The initial implementation is complete pending code review. The AIP has a new update: https://github.com/aptos-foundation/AIPs/pull/35

alnoki commented 1 year ago

@davidiw since table entries entail similar global storage mechanics, is there a way to compress those into resource groups as well?

0xrelapse commented 1 year ago

@alnoki you can already achieve somewhat similar results by wrapping table entries into a "Node" object ie:

struct Node<T: store> {
  data: vector<T>
lightmark commented 1 year ago

@alnoki Could you elaborate with examples?

alnoki commented 1 year ago

@alnoki Could you elaborate with examples?

@lightmark I think simplest would be for table entries that have a fixed size. For example if all entries in a table are MyStructType, where none of the fields are vectors, then each entry has a fixed size in bytes. Hence there could be some kind of flag on the table where the optimal number of entries are collated into a single resource group. This would be most useful for an iterable table (essentially a doubly linked list of table entries), where a linear scan over the elements would only result in global storage lookups against a resource group rather than against each entry. If each entry is 100 bytes, for example, and a resource group has 1k, then you could fit ten table entries in one resource group and only pay one per-item storage cost for a linear scan over ten elements.

wrwg commented 1 year ago

@davidiw since table entries entail similar global storage mechanics, is there a way to compress those into resource groups as well?

@alnoki tables and resource groups are quite different beasts. The later are heterogenous, so you can store values of arbitrary types into the same group (enabled type-safe via Move's type-indexed memory). Tables are homogeneous collections. If you want to bucket multiple entries of the same T into one table slot, there are different solutions which do not require the power of resource groups.

alnoki commented 1 year ago

@wrwg got it, thanks for the explanation. It looks like the bucket table and ongoing B tree will be best for this approach.

davidiw commented 1 year ago

@alnoki, I think there's also an opportunity to explore collections of resource groups, each of which may be the same or different. But that's a topic for ... AIP-10 and beyond :)