aptos-labs / aptos-core

Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain built to support the widespread use of blockchain through better technology and user experience.
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[Bug] Remove Aptos code references from third_party sources #12965

Open brmataptos opened 2 weeks ago

brmataptos commented 2 weeks ago

🐛 Bug

We need to get rid of

./third_party/move/move-prover/lab/src/benchmark.rs:                    "../../../../../aptos-move/framework/src/aptos-natives.bpl"
./third_party/move/move-prover/src/cli.rs:                    "../../../../aptos-move/framework/src/aptos-natives.bpl"
./third_party/move/move-prover/lab/src/benchmark.rs:                    "../../../../../aptos-move/framework/src/aptos-natives.bpl"
./third_party/move/move-prover/src/cli.rs:                    "../../../../aptos-move/framework/src/aptos-natives.bpl"

There are also some data references in move-prover/lab/data, but perhaps that's ok. Though perhaps those could be cloned or something if they're just test cases.

brmataptos commented 2 weeks ago

@wrwg fyi