aptos-labs / petra-wallet

Public issue tracker for Petra Wallet on Aptos
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Aptos wallet adapter dapp demo can't be opened in Petra #31

Open danielsoheil opened 3 months ago

danielsoheil commented 3 months ago

When opening Wallet adapter demo app which was linked in the official repo, after choosing Petra wallet, the app opens showing 404.

This behavior does not happen in other wallets (e.g. Pontem) which work as expected.

The wallet adapter correctly redirects the user to https://petra.app/explore?link=https%3A%2F%2Faptos-labs.github.io%2Faptos-wallet-adapter%2F, however it seems that the android app trims the path portion of the url and opens https://aptos-labs.github.io/.

Here's a short video demo to demonstrate the issue:


Reproducible in Petra Android version 1.1.16