Open SupperChao opened 3 months ago
Can you provide more info. We need specific repro steps to understand a little better. Specifically, we are confused with 'can not enter'.
It's the same issue for me.
I'm going to go to the app using the deep linking method shown in the document on the web page, and I'm going to make a user connection with the link address entered in the browser of the Petra app.
I don't know if it's a bug, but it doesn't go to the link address, only the main page appears. And when I manually enter the page address into Petra Wallet browser, I checked that the page comes out normally and even the connection part.
I have this link to be opened in petra mobile app
but it always opens only and ignore /abc part
Which browser did you use that deep link?
When I test it on Safari or Chrome browser, the DeepLink doesn't work immediately, all I do is open the Petra app in that app store or play store.
However, I checked available deeplinking through the message received from Slack.
I have used it from chrome in android.
How to connect with Petra mobile app via telegram?
bot.command("connect_wallet", (ctx) => {
const connectData = base64Encode({
request: "connect",
dAppName: "MyDapp",
description: "Connect to MyDapp to interact with Aptos assets.",
const walletDeepLink = `petra://api/v1/connect?data=${connectData}`;
ctx.reply("Click below to connect your Petra Wallet:", {
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
[{ text: "Connect Petra Wallet", url: walletDeepLink }],
!!! Write according to the document prompts, change the example link address, open the URL in the dapp, can not enter