aptos-labs / petra-wallet

Public issue tracker for Petra Wallet on Aptos
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[BUG] Petra wallet unstable connection status when refreshing the page #7

Closed jillxuu closed 1 year ago

jillxuu commented 1 year ago


When frequently refreshing pages that use Petra wallet connections, people noticing that wallet connection prompt is triggered from time to time. When prompt is triggered, await window.petra.isConnected() in the react inspector console will return false.

Issue Impact

This issue has affected ANS, Explorer, and Wallet Adapter, which use Petra as one of the wallet connection providers.



0xmaayan commented 1 year ago


  1. it doesn't happen on https://governance.aptosfoundation.org/ where we use only Petra
  2. it doesn't happen on local env (localhost) when using the adapter - local react and nextjs apps
Tam78787 commented 1 year ago

150 ATP

Vào 12:29, Th 6, 24 thg 2, 2023 Maayan @.***> đã viết:


  1. it doesn't happen on https://governance.aptosfoundation.org/ where we use only Petra
  2. it doesn't happen on local env (localhost) when using the adapter - local react and nextjs apps

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hariria commented 1 year ago

I think this is resolved @0xmaayan @jillxuu @kent-white ? Can I close?

kent-white commented 1 year ago

yes resolved