apuaaChen / gcnLib

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Sir, could you add more details of runtime environment in the README? #1

Open godjoem opened 3 years ago

godjoem commented 3 years ago

I tried to compile CUDA but got some errors, I used Pytorch 1.3 and CUDA10.

apuaaChen commented 3 years ago

I tried to compile CUDA but got some errors, I used Pytorch 1.3 and CUDA10.


The cusparseCsr2cscEx2 is introduced in cusparse 10.2, so I think that's the reason behind this error, and you have to upgrade your CUDA version. For the pytorch version, as I just use some basic APIs, maybe pytorch 1.3 is fine. Please reply to this comment if there are any other errors

godjoem commented 3 years ago

在Pytorch 1.7 以及CUDA 11.0下可以成功编译链接CUDA扩展(直接用的install.sh脚本)。但是后续出现两个问题, 首先是缺少gcnlib_cuda,我好像没在CUDA扩展中找到他

截屏2021-04-30 下午4 28 09

后来我尝试先把它注释掉,但会提示ImportError: Undefined cusparseCsr2cscEx2,即便我在import fgnn_format前先import torch,其他扩展(fgnn_gcn等)都可以正常import。(Update:CUDA11.2貌似不会出这个错,但是这个版本的CUDA好像没有对应的PyG..)

截屏2021-04-30 下午3 44 25
apuaaChen commented 3 years ago

在Pytorch 1.7 以及CUDA 11.0下可以成功编译链接CUDA扩展(直接用的install.sh脚本)。但是后续出现两个问题,


截屏2021-04-30 下午4 28 09

后来我尝试先把它注释掉,但会提示ImportError: Undefined cusparseCsr2cscEx2,即便我在import fgnn_format前先import torch,其他扩展(fgnn_gcn等)都可以正常import。(Update:CUDA11.2貌似不会出这个错,但是这个版本的CUDA好像没有对应的PyG..)

截屏2021-04-30 下午3 44 25

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this error. What's your GPU compute capability? I used V100 for this project, which is sm_70 (in the setup.py), maybe you can try to modify it to match your own GPU.

godjoem commented 3 years ago


apuaaChen commented 3 years ago


Seems that they are the previous name I used for CUDA extension, I just forgot to delete them.

godjoem commented 3 years ago

finall fixed it by modify setup.py, just like this issue. https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_sparse/issues/1