Building the esp code results in missing symbols in trs-io.elf:
CXX build/retrostore/retrostore.o
AR build/retrostore/libretrostore.a
LD build/trs-io.elf
build/retrostore/libretrostore.a(retrostore.o):(.literal._ZN16RetroStoreModule7sendCMDEv[RetroStoreModule::sendCMD()]+0x0): undefined reference to rsclient_cmd' build/retrostore/libretrostore.a(retrostore.o):(.literal._ZN16RetroStoreModule7sendCMDEv[RetroStoreModule::sendCMD()]+0x8): undefined reference torsclient_cmd_len'
Source of retrostore.cpp refers to those symbols being defined in rsclient.c, which is not in the repo.
This is driving me nuts because the ESP binaries in the repo look like they're actually retrostore card binaries, not those shown in the README.
Building the esp code results in missing symbols in trs-io.elf: CXX build/retrostore/retrostore.o AR build/retrostore/libretrostore.a LD build/trs-io.elf build/retrostore/libretrostore.a(retrostore.o):(.literal._ZN16RetroStoreModule7sendCMDEv[RetroStoreModule::sendCMD()]+0x0): undefined reference to
rsclient_cmd' build/retrostore/libretrostore.a(retrostore.o):(.literal._ZN16RetroStoreModule7sendCMDEv[RetroStoreModule::sendCMD()]+0x8): undefined reference to
rsclient_cmd_len'Source of retrostore.cpp refers to those symbols being defined in rsclient.c, which is not in the repo.
This is driving me nuts because the ESP binaries in the repo look like they're actually retrostore card binaries, not those shown in the README.