apurbabehera / evershop

🛍️ NodeJS E-commerce Platform
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Setup Static Analysis using SonarQube #7

Open apurbabehera opened 5 months ago

apurbabehera commented 5 months ago

Setup static analysis for the EverShop Project:

Can you run a full analysis using sonarlint? What are the parameters needed in the cmd to connect a repo to sonarqube?

manojln136 commented 5 months ago

Setup SonarQube server using Docker image

install the sonarqube and extract the file open the commant prompt and run the comment docker pull sonarqube run sonar container docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube

Setup SonarQube server using manual method

install the sonarqube and extract the file open the file C:\Users\INTEL\Downloads\sonarqube-\sonarqube-\bin\windows-x86-64 use the command prompt and run the following command StartSonar.bat we can also run the sonarqube through the services

Connect your code project and run static analysis manually

create the local project in sonarqube give the project display name and project key use the global setting option It created the project now we wanted to analyse our repository locally we have to install sonarscanner open the vs code and run the following command C:\Users\INTEL\Downloads\sonar-scanner-cli-\sonar-scanner-\bin\sonar-scanner.bat -D"sonar.projectKey=evershop" -D"sonar.sources=." -D"sonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000" -D"sonar.token=sqp_eceded99bc73f1b2d196a3e2b8da8128a6c81375"