apvarun / blist-hugo-theme

Blist is a clean and fast blog theme for your Hugo site.
MIT License
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How to remove option for different languages #74

Closed GustavWalt closed 1 year ago

GustavWalt commented 2 years ago

Hello, I recently got started with this theme and I absolutely love it. Although, I'm unsure how to remove all the options for different languages, I tried to remove the base URL from /en/page/blog to only /page/blog but didn't manage to do it.

Where is all the configuration for different languages so I can remove it and only provide one language without it being specified in the URL?

Thanks --- Gustav

apvarun commented 1 year ago

By removing the en folder from contents and also removing languages.en. key prefixes in config.json, it will allow the theme to be loaded in single language mode

This is a hugo configuration

shubham8garg commented 1 year ago

There are two folders inside content/en: blog and page, move them outside in the content/ and change the config.toml to below

baseurl = "https://blist.vercel.app"
metaDataFormat = "yaml"
title = "Blist Multilingual Theme"
theme = "blist"

    name = "Blog"
    url = "blog"
    weight = 1

    name = "About"
    url = "page/about/"
    weight = 2

    name = "Tags"
    url = "tags"
    weight = 3

    name = "Top Post"
    url = "/en/blog/emoji-support/"
    weight = 4

  introTitle = "Hey! I'm Katheryn Fox"
  introSubtitle = "26 y/o junior developer who enjoys social card games, blogging and painting"
  introPhoto = "/picture.jpg"
  logo = "/blist-logo.png"
  # Enable the darkmode toggle in header
  darkModeToggle = true

  # Enable search in header
  enableSearch = true

  # Option to customize the search parameters of a page
  # Below are the supported options; Note that including entire content
  # may slowdown the loading of search results
  # Title of page is included by default
  searchKeys = [

  # Custom copyright - optional
  copyright = "Copyright © 2021 - Katheryn Fox · All rights reserved"
  favicon = "/favicon.svg"

  # Color for the intro details and social links block, not applicable for dark mode
  # Supported values: Any color from TailwindCSS default colors
  # Reference: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors
  ascentColor = "bg-blue-100"

  # The page bundle that is shown on the front page
  frontBundle = "blog"

  # Used to hide the post metadata such as posted date, reading time and word count
  # Can be used at site level or page level
  hideMeta = false

  # To hide "Other languages" option if the post is available in multiple languages
  # Can be used at site level or page level
  hideOtherLanguages = false

  # Add support for Table of contents
  # Can be added to a page level also in markdown frontmatter
  toc = true

  # Hides the thumbnail in post view
  # Thumbnails in home and blog pages will still be shown
  # This setting can also be in page's markdown file
  hidePageThumbnail = false

# Comments system
  # Supports disqus, giscus and utterances
  # Check hugo docs for setting up disqus
  system = "giscus"

  # Options for giscus, exclude hyphens
  repo = ""
  repoid = ""
  category = ""
  categoryid = ""
  mapping = ""
  strict = ""
  reactionsenabled = ""
  emitmetadata = ""
  inputposition = ""
  theme = ""

  # Options for utterances, exclude hyphens
  # repo = ""
  # issueterm = ""
  # theme = ""

  # Global params common for both languages
  title = "Follow me"
  description = "I work on everything coding and tweet developer memes"

    website = "twitter"
    url = "https://twitter.com/"
    website = "linkedin"
    url = "https://linkedin.com/in/"
    website = "xing"
    url = "https://www.xing.com/profile/"
    website = "telegram"
    url = "https://t.me/"
    website = "github"
    url = "https://github.com/"
    website = "buymeacoffee"
    url = "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/"
    website = "medium"
    url = "https://medium.com/"
    website = "reddit"
    url = "https://reddit.com/"
    website = "dribbble"
    url = "https://dribbble.com/"
    website = "stackoverflow"
    url = "https://stackoverflow.com/"
    website = "xda"
    url = "https://forum.xda-developers.com/"
    website = "tiktok"
    url = "https://tiktok.com"
    website = "googlescholar"
    url = "https://scholar.google.com/"
    website = "mastodon"
    url = "https://joinmastodon.org"
    website = "youtube"
    url = "https://youtube.com"
    website = "instagram"
    url = "https://instagram.com"
    website = "facebook"
    url = "https://facebook.com"
    website = "behance"
    url = "https://behance.net"

  name = "About"
  url = "/about"

  writeStats = true

  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

# syntax highlight settings
    style = "dracula"
    # Enable to include inline HTML
    unsafe = true