aqeelanwar / PEDRA

Programmable Engine for Drone Reinforcement Learning Applications
MIT License
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msgpackrpc.error #53

Open Egoraptor09 opened 4 years ago

Egoraptor09 commented 4 years ago

Hi Aqeel, I'm getting this error after a few hundred iterations. Hitting r and backspace doesn't seem to resolve it. I've attached the setting.json file with this.

Cheers Capture 3


aqeelanwar commented 4 years ago

This usually happens when the connection between the Unreal Engine and AirSim is compromised. The python code tries to fetch the RGB frame or Depth map, and is not able to because of poor connectivity. I did take into account a few of the error catch to have a work around for this problem and it seemed to be working effectively.

How often do you get this error? also, can you share the results of the following print command?

Egoraptor09 commented 4 years ago

It happens every time I run the sim, Here is the output Capture 3

Replacing print with echo gave me this Capture4

aqeelanwar commented 4 years ago

Incorporate the print commands in the python code. I have shared the link to the file above that will show you the placement of these commands in the file.

Once you have incorporated the command, share the results of those print commands.

Egoraptor09 commented 4 years ago

My existing file seems to have these print commands already present. On a side note, do you mean run by starting the simulation using "python" which then fetches the DeepQLearning file?, Sorry, I'm relatively new to python so don't understand these things sometimes..

aqeelanwar commented 4 years ago

No need to apologize.

Yes, try running the simulation through Those try and catch statement will print the error type as to what caused the problem. The error message will help us better understand the problem and how to solve it.

Egoraptor09 commented 4 years ago

Thanks Aqeel, So I haven't had a repeat of the problem overnight, Simulation has passed 300k iterations with no issues. I suspect the problem could've been caused by my network card going to sleep!?. I wasn't able to change the power settings in windows so I ran a parallel steam download overnight to see if keeping the card in active use helped, which it has seemed to. 300k iterations and not error yet.

Update: It just timed out again and crashed before I could see the error code, will try and replicate the error.

Egoraptor09 commented 4 years ago

heres the time out error I got after 500k iterations and after incorporating the print command.

Untitled1 (2)

On a side note - Can the engine detect when the drone has successfully flown the env with crashing and save that model? Am i then able to load this pretrained model into another env? Lastly in inference mode, I'm assuming the control inputs are saved, how do I load them into "training mode"?

Thanks in advance, and for helping me out this far :) 🥇

aqeelanwar commented 4 years ago

It depends on the nature of the algorithm you are trying to run. If you are running REINFORCE algorithm then every time the enviroment crashes you can load the previously saved model to begin the simulation again.

What do you mean by control inputs? The controls are output of the deep network in the inference mode. Based on what training learned, the deep network predicts the best output.

znkhn commented 1 year ago

This usually happens when the connection between the Unreal Engine and AirSim is compromised. The python code tries to fetch the RGB frame or Depth map, and is not able to because of poor connectivity. I did take into account a few of the error catch to have a work around for this problem and it seemed to be working effectively.

How often do you get this error? also, can you share the results of the following print command?

Same error but ı have no 452 lines of code in my file.