aquachain / aquacppminer

Aquachain CPU Mining Tool (C++)
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

Use HashVersion from getWork() response #5

Open aerth opened 4 years ago

aerth commented 4 years ago

Sample response from getWork()


Aquachain returns second param's last byte as 2, so the current hashing algorithm is 2 (1 was ethash)

When it switches to 3, the miner should use the 3rd algorithm

A small issue that comes up is that we cant switch the argon2 context after it has been set initially.

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aerth commented 4 years ago

To test, use testnet2 which hardforks very quickly.

Testnet2HF = ForkMap{
        5: big.NewInt(0),
        8: big.NewInt(8),
        9: big.NewInt(19),

The HF that we care about for mining is 5, 8 and 9 which are algorithm changes, so it starts in algo version 2, moves to version 3 at block 8, and version 4 at block 19.

aquachain -testnet2 -rpc -aquabase 0xf8a00cb30e5005d17f6065fd6d17e0f5bee4183c and mine: aquacppminer -F --solo

You can see that without restarting, each hardfork breaks the miner (submits faulty hashes)

aerth commented 4 years ago

re-opening this issue because restart is still required between forks