aquality-automation / aquality-tracking

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[BUG] [API] Test result finish fails with 500 when failReason message contains symbol £ #109

Open paveliam opened 4 years ago

paveliam commented 4 years ago

Test run is in progress. Test fails and error message contains symbol £.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Test run is in progress
  2. Test fails with error "General calculation equals expected:<£[36].00> but was:<£[0].00>"
  3. Send POST requst to API https://localhost:8080/api/public/test/result/finish FinalResultId: 1 FailReason: "Message: General calculation equals expected:<£[36].00> but was:<£[0].00> ..."
  4. Actual result: Status code: 500. Reason: {"message":"Unknown Issue."}.

Expected behavior Status code 200, test results finished.

Note: Status code 200 when there is no symbol £ in fail reason message.

aPavar commented 4 months ago

It seems that it is not reproduced now Before we have in progress state image After we fail with fail reason image

a2Pavar commented 1 month ago

For the integration with cucumber we found that there is issue with charset image