aquaris-dev / DEPRECATED_android_device_bq_piccolo

Android device configuration for the bq Aquaris M5
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Problem reactivating mobile data #120

Open RufioHugo opened 7 years ago

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

Hi there!




Only way to get the button back is:

Some times it works propperly - but "99%" not! Any idea? Greetings, Rufio

Screenshot directly after I have deactivated mobile data deactivated

Screenshot when after that trying to reactivate mobile data reactivate

cmorlok commented 7 years ago

Can't reproduce on yesterday's build.

What do you mean with "data only"?

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

When going to "SIM menu" I get:

In "preffered SIM" I've chosen = mobile data - SIM1 = calls - SIM2 = SMS - ask (or SIM1 or SIM2 - depends on my location)

Thats what I mean with "data only"


cmorlok commented 7 years ago

That's what I did, still can't reproduce. What is shown in the quick settings when data is disabled? SIM 1 or SIM 2? Can you enable data there?

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

Well ... in quick settings always only SIM1 is shown (and no dropdown menu). A "button" to activate/deactivate mobile data I've seen there only in CM12 - since CM13 I've never seen any similar option there again.


cmorlok commented 7 years ago

You can't see this toggle?

stucki commented 7 years ago

I also cannot reproduce that one of the SIM cards disappears. Did you check logcat?

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

Sorry on my late answer ... first I was distracted not beeing able to reproducce, then only having 1 SIM in the quick menu (PS: I never see a menu entry for both - is this normal?) and then my work hit hard. %-| => I've simply forgotten about the toggle two steps inside the "quick menu". <= sigh

So my "status" on my question:

But I discovered something else weird:


RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

Hi there ... I'm back.

The problem still "active" on my phone - the "disappearing SIM". (PS: after a SIM change I can say, that always only the data-SIM is shown in quick settings.)

Any advice of a tool to prefer? Got only CatLog on my phone. Either way; on a first look I'm not able to find anything odd in my log. (Maybe a hint on keywords to search for?)

Greetings Rufio