aquaris-dev / DEPRECATED_android_device_bq_piccolo

Android device configuration for the bq Aquaris M5
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[cm14] system sounds - missing, duped, renamed #143

Closed RufioHugo closed 7 years ago

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago


My fault, didn't been awake and installed 14-OTA because I misread 13-Update %-)

Didn't find out if this is correct with this version and the number of sounds was reduced and renamed - thanks on information.

Greetings Rufio

cmorlok commented 7 years ago

Please don't report upstream bugs here.

I don't know if those sounds are removed/renamed by Google or if the ones you are missing have been added by CM in the past.

RufioHugo commented 7 years ago

Haven't found/seen it as an upstream bug ... sorry!

Also sounds were touched if you'ld like to have a look at changelog - so I thought there could have been made an error.
