aquariumbio / aquarium

The Aquarium Lab Operating System
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db initialization #583

Closed gnomicosuw closed 3 years ago

gnomicosuw commented 3 years ago

Here are the updates for the database. I assume they will work for you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

bjkeller commented 3 years ago

The "create_aquarium_test.sql" file was because you wanted to run tests from the test database rather than from development. This is there to allow the default mysql_init mechanism to load the database when there is none.

this code at the top of the existing file is the difference:

 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `aquarium_test`;
 CREATE DATABASE `aquarium_test` CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;
 GRANT ALL ON `aquarium_test`.* TO 'aquarium'@'%' ;
 USE `aquarium_test`;

If we can get away with having the backend service setting this database up, then we don't need this file.

bjkeller commented 3 years ago

starting in development, backend crashes with

Mysql2::Error::ConnectionError: Access denied for user 'aquarium'@'%' to database 'aquarium_test'

This probably relates to the change in the create_aquarium_test.sql file

bjkeller commented 3 years ago

merged into #574 closing