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The Aquarium Lab Operating System
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remove inline references to strings in 'update' sql queries in operation.rb #585

Open gnomicosuw opened 3 years ago

gnomicosuw commented 3 years ago

This is to protect against sql injection. It is not a problem for now (we don't have apostrophes or other special characters in any of the strings), but it is not a good idea.

There are 2 instances I want to fix.

def self.set_status_for_ids(status, ids) sql = "update operations set status = '#{status}' where id in ( #{ids.join(',')} )" Operation.connection.execute sql end

def self.set_status_for_job(status, job_id) sql = "update operations set status = '#{status}' where id in ( select operation_id from job_associations where job_id = #{job_id} )" Operation.connection.execute sql end