aquariumbio / aquarium

The Aquarium Lab Operating System
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Aquarium replaces input items unexpectedly #653

Open dvnstrcklnd opened 3 years ago

dvnstrcklnd commented 3 years ago

From Aza:

this mix-up was due to a glitch we've been seeing somewhat frequently in Aq planning. I believe this glitch has happened when planning things manually as well as using Menagerie. When I planned this NGS prep in Menagerie, I listed all the individual input items and the corresponding barcodes for each, and that worked well. In the plan that was launched via Menagerie, all my inputs and barcodes were still matched up (I double checked all of them before launching the plan), but somewhere in the save/launch process, Aq switched all my input items to the same item number (I assume it defaulted to the top one on the list?) so the job looked like this I didn't catch that this happened after I launched the plan, and the tech didn't mention that the job looked weird, so unfortunately this got missed until we tried to run the get metadata.