aquasarus / Starfield-Interactive-Smart-Slate

Starfield ISS - Exploration Survey Compendium
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French Translation Work-In-Progress #9

Closed birilo closed 8 months ago

birilo commented 9 months ago

Hello ! Thanks a lot for your app ! Now I can explore and writing down all the discover I made ! I feel like more an explorer with this tool.

But I was able to spot an oversight: Guniibuu System, Planet Guniibuu II, one plant is missing, there are 8 different ones on this planet, only 7 can be listed right now on the ISS.

However, would it be possible to add an option for proposals to add this kind of oversight directly to the ISS?

And do you need help to translate the names of fauna, flora and crops ? I'm french, my game is in french, so I would like to add my discovery in that language, but there is no auto complete and it's not really practical if I want to look for something in the ISS.

Thanks again, great work.

See you space.


aquasarus commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your kind words!

  1. Good catch on Guniibuu. This has already been reported and fixed in the next major release (v1.2 with Outpost Tracking!). It will probably be ready in a few days :). After that, I will start shipping smaller updates to make sure things are fixed more quickly.
  2. Unfortunately, to allow ISS to directly report issues will require me to link up your GitHub account to the app, which is not really worth it at the moment. I suspect most ISS users won't even have a GitHub account to begin with. The easiest way in ISS right now is to go to the About tab and click Submit Bug Reports and Suggestions, which will link you to the issues page. Feel free to open as many issues as you see fit!
  3. This is so exciting to hear! I knew that localization (i.e. new languages) would be required if a lot of people started using the app, but I wasn't sure if anyone would even be interested in this. So I started simple with just English. Translating the app's UI to French should be easy, but including auto-complete for Fauna/Flora in French will require the app to have a comprehensive list of every Fauna/Flora's French name in the game. It's likely not feasible for you to go and find every lifeform in your game to compile this list, but there may be resources online already available. Do you think you can look around to see if there is a French wiki with all Faunas and Floras cataloged? Thank you in advance!
birilo commented 9 months ago

Thanks you for yours answers !

Outpost Tracking ? Oh yes ! Hype !!

There is this : - I hope there is all species. And yes, that's feasible for me to find every lifeform ! That's why I need your ISS to help me write down my research. If you need any help, don't hesitate, I'll be happy to help.

aquasarus commented 9 months ago

This is amazing. After v1.2, I'm gonna cross-reference the wiki you linked with my existing data. If everything checks out, I'll plug it in. At that point, I might as well provide an entire French version of the app. If I send you a list of all English UI texts in the app, would you mind translating them for me?

birilo commented 9 months ago

Yep, no problem ! Send me a list !

MaamuT commented 9 months ago


I'm French and I'm hot for a French version too ;)

aquasarus commented 9 months ago

@MaamuT Gotcha! I apologize for the delays. I had intended to start working on localization immediately after v1.2, but a new contributor joined this team (he's working on an awesome UI upgrade!) and I need to first clean up the project a bit to allow for faster collaboration. I'll be jumping right back into planned improvements after that :).

MaamuT commented 9 months ago

Yes, I understood that the project was taking a new turn and I am the first to be very excited, looking forward to the sequel.

Take the time you need, I'm not in a hurry, I even intend to play the game 100%, so I have time ahead of me, and then, as long as the new version keeps my data already informed, no problem for me ;)

aquasarus commented 9 months ago

Good luck and enjoy the journey to 100% :D. And yes, new app versions will always be backwards compatible.

MaamuT commented 9 months ago

I have other suggestions, I will take advantage of this thread to offer them.

Possibility of deleting an incorrect entry, if I make a mistake by adding an animal or floral species, or an outpost, it would be nice if I could delete it.

Ability to sort the system list by name.

Possibility of folding/unfolding the system to save space.

A global search engine allowing you to search for materials, resources or outposts by name.

aquasarus commented 9 months ago

@MaamuT the Issues page is actually meant for reporting bugs and other problems. Could you post your suggestions to Discussions > Ideas > New Discussion? I will reply to them there :).

MaamuT commented 9 months ago

Ok ;)

Delete my post if you want ;)

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@birilo @MaamuT just wanted to let you guys know that I've now started working on Starfield ISS v1.3 after real life forced me to step away for a while. I've found 218 fauna names and 158 flora names from, but in my current DB I have 642 fauna names and 159 flora names in English. I need your help to improve the French list to be more comprehensive!

Part of the reason there are so many fauna names in English is due to all the different modifications. e.g. There is Hunting Glider, Swarming Glider, Herding Glider Grazer, etc. Do you have similar stuff in the French version? Or do the 218 names in that wiki actually include everything available?

MaamuT commented 8 months ago


You could provide us with a text file of the database, in table form, with for each line, the EN version and the FR version, it will be easier to understand.

I think you need to count the variants of each species, but to confirm and refine the translation, I need a comparison.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT unfortunately I don't know which English faunas the French names correspond to. Maybe we can use Jemison as an example? Here are all the English faunas I've scanned from Jemison (Alpha Centauri):

Can you show me what they are in the French version for Jemison?

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the delay, I have somewhat complicated work schedules.

The planet Jemison has the same name in French: Jemison

For the critters, here's what I have in the game:

 Pack Coralbug => [Meute] Mante corail
 Apex Parrothawk => [Alpha] Perroquet-buse
 Flocking Seabat Geophage => [Harde] Noctule Marine [Géophage]
 Hunting Tuskfrog => [Chasse] Crapeau-croc
 Carasnail Scavenger => Cascargot [Charogne]]
 Herding Cutterhead Herbivore => [Troupeau] Coupereux [Herbivore]
 Herding Reefwalker Scavenger => [Troupeau] Marcherécif [Charogne]
 Beetle Grazer => Scarabée [Brouteur]
 Apex Crocodaunt => [Alpha] Crocofrayant

There are three things to take into account:

The species: Coralbug, Seabat… Group behavior: Flocking, Herding… Diet: Geophage, Herbivore

Model : [Group behavior] Specie [Diet]

List :

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the delay, I have somewhat complicated work schedules.

No worries at all! We're all contributing to this for free :D.

And thanks a lot for breaking it down. This is very useful information. It seems like the list from that wiki contains only the species names. I'm going to process the English name list to see if I can match each one, and then use that to output every group behavior and diet like you described. Once we figure out the translation for all modifiers, I can use them to convert the entire English names list to French. Stay tuned!

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT so far I've found the following modifiers that need translation:

I'm sorting through some of the unique fauna names in the English list to see if the French species list from the wiki includes everything. I'll update you when I have more time to work on this.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago


Grazer => Brouteur Filterer => Filtreur

Could you tell me on which planets to find the others?

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

I found some examples for you to look up:

MaamuT commented 8 months ago


Schooling Bladehead Grazer => [Grégaire] Lamette [Brouteur] Shoaling Finback Scavenger => [Banc] Ailette [Charogne] Hunting Angler Stalker => [Chasse] Lophius [Dépeceur] Swarming Sunflower => [Nuée] Tournesol

Schooling => Grégaire Shoaling => Banc Stalker => Dépeceur Swarming => Nuée

Addition : Planet : The Pup => Le Rejeton

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT Awesome! I have a question for you. Do the brackets show up in-game as well? For example, when you scan the Schooling Bladehead Grazer in Starfield, does it say "[Grégaire] Lamette [Brouteur]" or just "Grégaire Lamette Brouteur"? And if it shows the brackets, do you also use them yourself in Starfield ISS? I want to know if I should include the brackets in the French version of auto-complete.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Yes, the brackets are clearly displayed in-game.

And yes, I put them in ISS

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

Okay cool. I'll make sure to include the brackets in auto-complete.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT @birilo okay I've done some work to match up what I can with the French wiki. I still have ~100 fauna names that I couldn't match. Maybe you can help me out?

Here are my current matches. See if I got any wrong! Here are the English fauna names that haven't been matched. Here are the French fauna names from the wiki that are still available for matching.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Ok, I downloaded the files, I'll look at it this week, as soon as my job gives me some time ;)

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT thank you and good luck!

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

FYI by knowing the translation of all modifiers, our current English -> French matching will let our script translate about half of all faunas in Starfield: image

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

The code to enable French auto-complete is now done: Now all that's left is working together to finish all the lifeform name translations :D

MaamuT commented 8 months ago


Sorry for the delay, I had to visit each planet to find the names ;)

In :

known_special_names = { 'Red Mile Mauler': 'Boxeur de la ligne rouge', 'Apex Dust Devil Exorunner': '[Alpha] Rôdeur des sables exocoureur', 'Rainbow Agnathan': 'Agnathan arc-en-ciel', 'Pack Prong Wing Seabat': '[Meute] Aile dentue noctule', # Pack seems to be the only modifier here, with Prong Wing Seabat as the species name 'Grazing Ensifer': 'Ensifer paissant', 'Greater Jaffa Lizard': 'Grand lézard Jaffa', 'Lesser Jaffa Lizard': 'Petit lézard Jaffa', 'Flying Leech': 'Sangsue volante', 'Elk Crangon': 'Orignal de Crangon', 'Crawling Eurypterid': 'Euryptéride rampant', 'Crag Sprinter': 'Sprinteur des falaises', 'Baleen Rotifer': 'Rotifère baleine', 'Terrormorph': 'Horrimorphe', 'Cataxi Hunter': 'Chasseur Cataxi', 'Cataxi Warrior': 'Guerrier Cataxi', 'Grylloba Hunter': 'Chasseur Grylloba', }

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT awesome! I've added your contribution to the code base, which brings our French translated fauna to 350. Now we just have to match up the rest of the species names in here with what the French wiki provides.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

I am delighted.

Don't hesitate if you have any other questions, I'll look for the answer in-game.

I have cloned the project and I am in the process of completing the file, I will make a commit as soon as I have made a little progress.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Commit sent, I only translated the terms coming from planets already visited, some are still missing.

If you know the planets involved, I will visit them to finish the translation.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT commits actually stay on your local PC until you push them to a repo! If you want me to see your changes, you'll have to fork this repository and push it there. Also, you can find the planets to visit in this spreadsheet. Feel free to ignore the modifiers, since we only need to translate the species names now.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Ok, I have a synchronization problem, the push doesn't want to go :/

In fact I have a problem with Github, I'm going to do something else.

Thanks for the spreadsheet, I will finish the file and post the txt here.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

Thanks! Posting it here is totally fine. (If you just cloned this repo, it won't let you push because you don't have permission to manage this repository.)

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Indeed, I threw the push without thinking about the permissions, I'm a little stupid on this one :/

Planets currently visiting, I have quite a way to go to finish the file, but I think I'll get there today.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

I found two plant species with the same name but with different resources on Bardeen III, but counted by the game as one: the Leafy morningstar (Leafy morningstar => Ombellium feuillue, one with Toxin and one with Sealent).

The translation of english_untranslated_fauna_name.txt :

Brainsprout => Encéphalobulbe Horsamander => Chevalamandre Bonefrill => Huître-os Clawback => Echinoserre Glowhands => Luisemain Cagebrain => Carcéphale Clickbeetle => Caraboclic Leafstrider => Phyliogerris Shardhopper => Saute-fragment Tongueface => Languos Stonewalker => Lithomarcheur Cutterhead => Coupereux Grub => Pupe Rockhound => Petraqueur Toadface => Batraface Grabber => Pince Boneback => Echinos Paddlefish => Poisson-pale Finback => Ailette Spaceroach => Spafard Canard => Canard Brightcage => Luise-cage Hornface => Cornicéphale Saturnine => Saturnin Seabat => Noctule-marine Stingray => Raie manta Windbag => Sac d'air Mothwing => Aile de Sphinx Noid => Noïde Sailgator => Naviligator Vectorback => Glisse-dos Seahag => Vieille marine Brainblimp => Macrocortex Marnokk => Marnokk Scarab => Scarabée Shellephant => Coquéléphant Snuffler => Renifleur Tubecrawler => Veratube Mayfly => Ephémère Landshark => Terrosquale Silverfish => Lépisme Skullface => Crânegueule Twistfin => Révoloire Maggotmaw => Beclarve Bladehead => Lamette Sawhead => Tête de scie Flapwheel => Claque-roue Cranehopper => Criquet-grue Earback => Oreillon Lionbear => Leonursa Sporeback => Sporéchine Triantler => Tribois Glowback => Luciole Gossamer => Fil de vierge Boneglider => Ostéoplaneur Dragonfly => Libellule Lacraia => Lacraia Longneck => Grand-cou Loxodont => Loxodonta Shieldshell => Boucliarapace Wiggler => Anchet Wobbleback => Domollis Foxbat => Chauve-renard Nailtail => Queue clouée Tentabeard => Tentabarbe Trapmaw => Cage-gueule Kreet => (Kreet grazer => Herbivore de Kreet, Kreet stalker => Traqueur de Kreet) Stingback => Dardos Sunfish => Poisson-lune Twintail => Bifide Tubule => Tubule Twingrub => Gémelarve Buzzrunner => Buzzrunner Dropsalm => Dropsalm Fingerface => Digicéphale Fleshleaf => Phylocarnius Cobalt => Cobalt Eyespine => Irispinal Plateskin => Metalyderme Roundface => Rotonde Shroomhead => Champi Grylloba => Grylloba Fluke => Douve Kelpstrider => Algoculteur Leecher => Calovorus Reefwalker => Marcherécif Scoopback => Écope Stoneback => Lithoverso Twigwalker => Branchipode Hornwing => Cornoptère Bonecrest => Ostéocrète Hookneck => Nucroc Jellyfin => Méduse à palme Lesser => (Lesser => petit (little, small), Lesser Silverfish => Petit lépisme) Morningstar => Ombellium feuillue Mossgnath => Mossgnath Bearclaw => Griffe-ours Bladepack => Échinolame Featherfin => Poisson-plume Shroombobber => Mycoflotteur Siren => Sirène

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

@MaamuT you're so fast! And good catch on the special Kreet translations. Here is the next step:

I have a few of my own species translations that I'm not confident about. Can you survey them in-game and check if I got them right?

'Whaleshark': 'Requin-baleine',
'Sharkwhale': 'Baleine-requin',
'Nautilus' : 'Nautilus',
'Nautiloos': 'Nautile',
MaamuT commented 8 months ago

All the names on the list come from the game, I found them by visiting the planets and writing them down.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

Awesome. In that case, the translation work for fauna/flora autocomplete is basically done. The number of floras in matches what I have in the English database, so I'm assuming they're correct for now. You can check it out here to see if anything looks wrong.

I have a few more things to fix/improve before v1.3 is ready. Everything should hopefully be ready in ~1 week!

@MaamuT since you're a major contributor to this translation, I'd love to add you to the credits of this project. Is there a name you'd like to use, or should I just put MaamuT?

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

Just MaamuT it's fine ;)

I'll look at it during the week, as soon as I have time, Thursday I think.

MaamuT commented 8 months ago

It's ok for me, I don't see anything to say about this list.

aquasarus commented 8 months ago

French autocomplete has been added in v1.3.0! Full localization is still on the table but will probably come much later. We can discuss it when I have time to come back to it.