aquasecurity / manifesto

Use Manifesto to store and query metadata for container images.
Apache License 2.0
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Couldn't get digest: digest not found in [] #5

Closed i4specete closed 7 years ago

i4specete commented 7 years ago


./manifesto put hello-world:latest test test.json

Couldn't get digest: digest not found in []

lizrice commented 7 years ago

Hi @i4specete, I think the problem is that you're trying to add data to an image repo that you don't own in the registry. You'd need to do something like this to create your own version of the repo:

docker tag hello-world:latest <yourname>/hello-world:latest 
docker push <yourname>/hello-world:latest 

Then you should be able to do

./manifesto put <yourname>/hello-world:latest test test.json
i4specete commented 7 years ago


I tried you said me but the error persists...

To replicate the error:

docker pull hello-world docker tag hello-world pecete/hello-world ./manifesto put pecete/hello-world:latest test test.json


Storing metadata 'test' for 'pecete/hello-world:latest' Couldn't get digest: digest not found in []


i4specete commented 7 years ago

Another error is that when you put ":" in the repo name the tool split that beacuse the tool think that is the tag.


viccab commented 7 years ago

You will need to login to the Hub registry first using, docker login -u -p and run, docker push /hello-world:latest Then you should be able to do, ./manifesto put /hello-world:latest test test.json

lizrice commented 7 years ago

Thanks for that - the login is a good point (I'll add that to the readme now) and we should also parse the repo name better.

lizrice commented 7 years ago

Registry name issue now covered by #9, I think everything else in this issue is dealt with so I'm closing. Please comment or raise new issues if I missed something.