aquasecurity / microscanner

Scan your container images for package vulnerabilities with Aqua Security
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False positive for libtasn1-6 4.15.0-2 on debian buster #45

Open bap2000 opened 4 years ago

bap2000 commented 4 years ago

As described here libtasn1-6 4.13-3 in buster is vulnerable

Install fixed version from bullseye as below

RUN /bin/echo -e 'deb bullseye main\ndeb bullseye-updates main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \
  apt update && \
  apt install libtasn1-6 && \
  sed -i -e '/bullseye/d' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
  apt update

Microscanner lists the newer fixed version in the report, but still marks it as vulnerable


calebwoofenden commented 4 years ago

I am seeing a similar issue with the following: - updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1d but vulnerability still appears - updated Git to version 2.25.0 but vulnerability still appears - updated Python3 to version 3.7.4 but vulnerability still appears

I am running the scanner on Maven images from Docker Hub, which are running Debian. I'm using the following Dockerfile:

FROM maven:3-jdk-11

RUN echo "deb testing main" \
    >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install git

git can be replaced with openssl or python3 and the same issue can be observed.

I have to add the testing apt repository to get recent enough packages for these CVEs.

ocofaigh commented 4 years ago

Anyone have any joy with this? I just reported something similar: