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postee.trivyoperator.slack rego template enhancements #469

Open grglzrv opened 2 years ago

grglzrv commented 2 years ago


I would like to request some enhancements for postee.trivyoperator.slack template. postee.trivyoperator.slack template gives very simple information, for example:


Could you please add more info? for example:

simar7 commented 2 years ago

thanks for filing this, happy to review a PR if you'd like to contribute this.

cc @souravsk - this issue might be of interest to you if you're looking to contribute.

As always, let us know if you need any help getting started.

souravsk commented 2 years ago

@simar7 ya happy to help. can you let me know where to start

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

@souravsk under rego-templates dir there is a trivy-operator-slack.rego file, it should be update with the aforementioned requirements. You may also reuse trivy-jira.rego file

souravsk commented 2 years ago

@grglzrv what is the command to get the output that you are showing. I want to check it some explem and see the output.

souravsk commented 2 years ago

hey @grglzrv

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

@souravsk it's a slack notification message

souravsk commented 2 years ago

I want to know from where I can get all this data to display. Do I just have to add here all the vulnerability id, metadata, namespace, title, etc just like critical, and high and then use it in the trivy-operator-slack.rego

result = msg {

    msg := sprintf(tpl, [
    render_vlnrb("Critical", vln_list("CRITICAL")),
    render_vlnrb("High", vln_list("HIGH")),
    render_vlnrb("Medium", vln_list("MEDIUM")),
    render_vlnrb("Low", vln_list("LOW")),
    render_vlnrb("Negligible", vln_list("NEGLIGIBLE"))

or i have to do something else to get all this data to show the correct information @grglzrv

souravsk commented 2 years ago

Screenshot from 2022-10-10 13-13-24 I have written all of this but still, I don't know where should i collect the data for this new tag that you have asked for.

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

Hi @souravsk this changes wont work, you need to install Trivy Operator, which has to be integrated with Postee. Postee will receive Vulnerability reports from the Trivy Operator as json format, so you need to write rego template for that for exmaple json

    "updateTimestamp": "2022-09-28 │T06:21:55Z",
    "scanner": {
        "name": "Trivy",
        "vendor": "Aqua Security",
        "version": "0.31.3"
    "registry": {
        "server": ""
    "artifact": {
        "repository": "fluxcd/image-reflector-controller",
        "tag": "v0.20.1"
    "summary": {
        "criticalCount": 0,
        "highCount": 1,
        "mediumCount": 0,
        "lowCount": 0,
        "unknownCount": 0,
        "noneCount": 0
    "vulnerabilities": [
            "vulnerabilityID": "CVE-2022-27664",
            "resource": "",
            "installedVersion": "v0.0.0-20220722155237-a1 58d28d115b",
            "fixedVersion": "0.0.0-20220906165146-f3363e06e74c",
            "severity": "HIGH",
            "title": "title1",
            "primaryLink": "",
            "links": [],
            "score": 7.5,
            "target": ""
            "vulnerabilityID": "CVE-2022-27664",
            "resource": "",
            "installedVersion": "v0.0.0-20220722155237-a1 58d28d115b",
            "fixedVersion": "0.0.0-20220906165146-f3363e06e74c",
            "severity": "HIGH",
            "title": "title2",
            "primaryLink": "",
            "links": [],
            "score": 7.5,
            "target": ""

you may use this website in order to test the above json with your code. Bare in mind that vuln reports are maps , so you need you to use bash some loop

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

I just wrote some template only for Vuln reports, you may improve it and add the code from the current template

package postee.trivyoperator.slack

tpl :=`
<p> Severity: %s </p>
<p> vulnerabilityID: %s </p>
<p> primaryLink: %s </p>

vulnIDs := vulnIdResult {
    var := [ scan | 


    vulnIdResult:= concat("n", (var))

svrt := svrtResult {
    var := [ scan | 


    svrtResult:= concat("\n", (var))

link := linkResult {
    var := [ scan | 


    linkResult:= concat("\n", (var))

result:= res {
 res:= sprintf(tpl, [
souravsk commented 2 years ago


souravsk commented 2 years ago

Hey. @grglzrv do I have to make a new rego file so I just use the postee.trivyoperator.slack file

souravsk commented 2 years ago

Screenshot from 2022-10-11 22-47-57 hey @grglzrv these are the things that you wanted

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

Not exactly cuz you need to separate the both vuln reports 0: and 1: . You need make list for - vuln id, installed versio, fixed versio, severity etc then you need to use some loop function in rego language

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

@simar7 could you please give him some hits here, thanks

souravsk commented 2 years ago

Okya I understand the separation 0 and 1 index but I don't understand where we need the loop function

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

input.vulnerabilities[i].severity - its a current situation

I mean vulnList: = [ severity, vulnerabilityID, etc.] some j in vulnList


Then you need to loop them into the result:= as well

souravsk commented 2 years ago

Sorry for replying this late

vulnList := [VulnerabilityID,installedVersion,fixedVersion, title, primaryLink,severity]

vuln = result{
    some i in vulnList
    result = input.vulnerabilites[i].[j]


I tried like this but it is show error in in part of the loop.

grglzrv commented 2 years ago

Yes, i just gave you an example

souravsk commented 2 years ago

yes but it's showing an error in this some i in vulnList line

simar7 commented 2 years ago

@souravsk - can you share the link to your rego playground so we can help you better?

souravsk commented 2 years ago

is there any example of this type of rego file I just learn the basics of the rego language for this issue that's why I'm having head time understanding how this works. if this was in another language then I would have done it. so if you have any rego file where function and array are used then I can understand better.

simar7 commented 2 years ago

is there any example of this type of rego file I just learn the basics of the rego language for this issue that's why I'm having head time understanding how this works. if this was in another language then I would have done it. so if you have any rego file where function and array are used then I can understand better.

Take a look at some examples in the Postee repo. I recall there are some usages of loops.

martijnvdp commented 1 year ago

copied the existing jira template and made it suitable for the trivy operator report , think it can also be used for slack or at least as example:

looping through vulnerabilities:

vln_list(severity) = vlnrb {
    some j
    vlnrb := [r |
        item :=[j]
        vlnname := item.vulnerabilityID
        title := item.title
        fxvrsn := with_default(item, "fixedVersion", "none")
        resource_name = with_default(item, "packageType", "none")
        resource_path = with_default(item, "resource", "none")
        resource_version = with_default(item, "installedVersion", "none")
        primaryurl = with_default(item, "primaryLink", "none")
        references = with_default(item, "links", "none")

        item.severity == severity # only items with severity matched
    r := [vlnname, title, resource_name, resource_path, resource_version, fxvrsn, primaryurl]

martijnvdp commented 1 year ago

example for slack : copied the existing slack template and changed field names to match the output from the operator can include more fields but than the message get a bit large image