aquasecurity / postee

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How to mount rego templates? #532

Open HW-Jeremy opened 1 year ago

HW-Jeremy commented 1 year ago


We installed postee with the supplied Helm chart, however it doesn't seem to support volume mounting anywhere other than on the host. Is it possible to modify the chart to support the existing volume mount?


HW-Jeremy commented 1 year ago

UP :)

weibo-zhao commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue, later I use the URL to solve the problem.

HW-Jeremy commented 1 year ago

@weibo-zhao when you say you use the URL, it's postee-ui?

martijnvdp commented 1 year ago

i have postee also deployed with the helm chart and you can make use of the extra mount vars in the chart to mount a template(s) from a configmap to a sub folder in /server/rego-templates : i'm using version v2.12.0

configmap with template(s):

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postee-templates
  trivy-operator-jira.rego: |
    package postee.trivyoperator.jira

    with_default(obj, prop, default_value) = default_value{
    not obj[prop]

  trivy-operator-custom-slack.rego: |
    package postee.trivyoperator.custom.slack


values postee chart:

  # Extra Volumes to add to the postee Statefulset
  - name: custom-templates
      name: postee-templates 
        - key: trivy-operator-jira.rego
          path: trivy-operator-jira.rego
        - key: trivy-operator-custom-slack.rego
          path: trivy-operator-custom-slack.rego
  # Extra Volumes Mounts to add to the postee Statefulset
    - name: custom-templates
      mountPath: /server/rego-templates/my-custom-templates 

and add the template in the values:

    # Templates are used to format a message
    - name: trivy-operator-jira
      rego-package: postee.trivyoperator.jira
    - name: trivy-operator-custom-slack
      rego-package: postee.trivyoperator.custom.slack