aquasecurity / trivy

Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
Apache License 2.0
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Large image scan fail. #1312

Closed prashi2202 closed 2 years ago

prashi2202 commented 2 years ago

Currently we have hosted harbor on EKS cluster with following config.


While I try to scan a image which is in MB it works fine but when try to scan a large image anything beyond 1GB scan fails with following error.


2021-10-19T16:20:33Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:157]: Report mime types: [application/; version=1.0 application/; version=1.1] 2021-10-19T16:20:33Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:204]: Get report for mime type: application/; version=1.1 2021-10-19T16:20:33Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:204]: Get report for mime type: application/; version=1.0 2021-10-19T16:20:35Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:35Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:40Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:40Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:45Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:45Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:50Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:50Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:55Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:20:55Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:21:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:21:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:221]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.0 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds 2021-10-19T16:21:05Z [ERROR] [/pkg/scan/job.go:266]: check scan report with mime type application/; version=1.0: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200: check scan report with mime type application/; version=1.1: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200

Grafana resource monitoring:


Pod config:

$ k describe pod harbor-trivy-0 Name: harbor-trivy-0 Namespace: vas Priority: 0 Node: Start Time: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 22:25:03 +0530 Labels: app=harbor chart=harbor component=trivy controller-revision-hash=harbor-trivy-556d8587c9 heritage=Helm release=harbor Annotations: checksum/secret: 01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124ef8f9805daca546b psp.restricted Status: Running IP: 192.168.X.X IPs: IP: 192.168.X.X Controlled By: StatefulSet/harbor-trivy Containers: trivy: Container ID: docker://e0b02063b47aa7e82018ec8bbd7a41560506f7be34f6af Image: Image ID: docker-pullable://xxxxx/mirror/goharbor/trivy-adapter-photon@sha256:a3197436a4266ecdd50399918139cb2affbd7ad850d18 8 Port: 8443/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP State: Running Started: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:02:50 +0530 Last State: Terminated Reason: OOMKilled Exit Code: 137 Started: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 16:38:41 +0530 Finished: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:02:48 +0530 Ready: True Restart Count: 2 Limits: cpu: 1 memory: 512Mi Requests: cpu: 200m memory: 128Mi Liveness: http-get https://:api-server/probe/healthy delay=5s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=10 Readiness: http-get https://:api-server/probe/ready delay=5s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3 Environment: HTTP_PROXY: HTTPS_PROXY: NO_PROXY: harbor-core,harbor-jobservice,harbor-database,harbor-chartmuseum,harbor-notary-server,harbor-notary-signer,harbor-registry,harbor-portal,harbor-tri vy,harbor-exporter,,localhost,.local,.internal TRIVY_TIMEOUT: 40m SCANNER_LOG_LEVEL: info SCANNER_TRIVY_CACHE_DIR: /home/scanner/.cache/trivy SCANNER_TRIVY_REPORTS_DIR: /home/scanner/.cache/reports SCANNER_TRIVY_DEBUG_MODE: false SCANNER_TRIVY_VULN_TYPE: os,library SCANNER_TRIVY_GITHUB_TOKEN: <set to the key 'gitHubToken' in secret 'harbor-trivy'> Optional: false SCANNER_TRIVY_SEVERITY: UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL SCANNER_TRIVY_IGNORE_UNFIXED: true SCANNER_TRIVY_SKIP_UPDATE: false SCANNER_TRIVY_INSECURE: false SCANNER_API_SERVER_ADDR: :8443 INTERNAL_TLS_ENABLED: true SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_KEY: /etc/harbor/ssl/trivy/tls.key SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE: /etc/harbor/ssl/trivy/tls.crt SCANNER_REDIS_URL: <set to the key 'redisURL' in secret 'harbor-trivy'> Optional: false SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_URL: <set to the key 'redisURL' in secret 'harbor-trivy'> Optional: false SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_URL: <set to the key 'redisURL' in secret 'harbor-trivy'> Optional: false Mounts: /etc/harbor/ssl/trivy from trivy-internal-certs (rw) /home/scanner/.cache from data (rw) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready True ContainersReady True PodScheduled True Volumes: trivy-internal-certs: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: harbor-trivy-internal-tls Optional: false data: Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime) Medium: SizeLimit: QoS Class: Burstable Node-Selectors: Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s op=Exists for 300s Events:

prashi2202 commented 2 years ago

{"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:22Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"6095541a43aa0812644ee57c","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:23Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"6095541a43aa0812644ee57c","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:23Z"} {"exit_code":-1,"image_ref":"harbor-core:443/containerfactory/ccpe_gromacs_2013.3@sha256:bec62c2d y failed","std_out":"","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:48Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:48Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"20c8ade645bd2c5e47b0cc5e","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:49Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"20c8ade645bd2c5e47b0cc5e","time":"2021-10-19T16:30:49Z"} {"exit_code":-1,"image_ref":"harbor-core:443/containerfactory/ccpe_gromacs_2013.3@sha256:8210a0d09d8dbb0469516b360949f36b0ef7","level":"error","msg":"Running triv y failed","std_out":"","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:16Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:16Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"07a821b14f1b716d92d3111c","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:19Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"07a821b14f1b716d92d3111c","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:19Z"} {"exit_code":-1,"image_ref":"harbor-core:443/containerfactory/gromacs-gpu@sha256:dceea50b7ab7330720ae5e78042d459a0c43eadd49344b2fbfa","level":"error","msg":"Running trivy failed ","std_out":"","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:32Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:32Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"2b00b5b7c9a381f98bb12b07","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:36Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"2b00b5b7c9a381f98bb12b07","time":"2021-10-19T16:31:36Z"} {"exit_code":-1,"image_ref":"harbor-core:443/containerfactory/gromacs-gpu@sha256:8330927771bf9119e2c1f8d667325bed33ac9693b72aa2aa7eab89","level":"error","msg":"Running trivy failed ","std_out":"","time":"2021-10-19T16:33:48Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:33:48Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"7aa47f2b29b1c9e030ee9e62","time":"2021-10-19T16:33:51Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"7aa47f2b29b1c9e030ee9e62","time":"2021-10-19T16:33:51Z"} {"exit_code":-1,"image_ref":"harbor-core:443/containerfactory/ccpe-devel-sles15sp2-x86_64@sha256:aa02778b173954e1717810d2e5fcc1aaeb60267177396e22c061a","level":"error","msg":"Runn ing trivy failed","std_out":"","time":"2021-10-19T16:35:29Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan failed","time":"2021-10-19T16:35:29Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"1fc8e509cb353e594f299eda","time":"2021-10-19T16:35:34Z"} {"error":"running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: ","level":"error","msg":"Scan job failed","scan_job_id":"1fc8e509cb353e594f299eda","time":"2021-10-19T16:35:34Z"}

prashi2202 commented 2 years ago

Jobservice logs:

2021-10-19T18:45:43Z [ERROR] [/jobservice/runner/redis.go:113]: Job 'IMAGE_SCAN:6e0e2dd9f302f01b477bee3e' exit with error: run error: check scan report with mime type application/vnd.scanner; version=1.0: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: 2021-10-19T18:45:09.123Z INFO Need to update DB 2021-10-19T18:45:09.123Z INFO Downloading DB... : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200: check scan report with mime type application/; version=1.1: running trivy wrapper: ru nning trivy: signal: killed: 2021-10-19T18:45:09.123Z INFO Need to update DB 2021-10-19T18:45:09.123Z INFO Downloading DB... <====== attempting to download DB : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200 <====== immediate error... 2021-10-19T18:46:14Z [INFO] [/jobservice/worker/cworker/c_worker.go:76]: Job incoming: {"name":"IMAGE_SCAN","id":"b1878637b2240b8f8682c2b9","t":1634669173,"args":null} 2021-10-19T18:46:14Z [INFO] [/pkg/config/rest/rest.go:53]: get configuration from url: https://harbor-core:443/api/v2.0/internalconfig 2021-10-19T18:46:14Z [INFO] [/pkg/config/rest/rest.go:53]: get configuration from url: https://harbor-core:443/api/v2.0/internalconfig 2021-10-19T18:46:51Z [ERROR] [/jobservice/runner/redis.go:113]: Job 'IMAGE_SCAN:b1878637b2240b8f8682c2b9' exit with error: run error: check scan report with mime type application/vnd.scanner; version=1.0: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200: check scan report with mime type application/; version=1.1: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: signal: killed: : general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, exp ected: 200

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been labeled with inactivity.

knqyf263 commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry we missed the issue. We hope v0.22.0 fixed the issue. Please let us know if you still face the same issue.

631068264 commented 2 years ago

same error use trivy 0.24.2


2022-07-14T07:20:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:385]: {
  "uuid": "43a2c8b7-0345-11ed-885e-0242c0a80009",
  "name": "Trivy",
  "description": "The Trivy scanner adapter",
  "url": "http://trivy-adapter:8080",
  "disabled": false,
  "is_default": true,
  "health": "healthy",
  "auth": "",
  "access_credential": "[HIDDEN]",
  "skip_certVerify": false,
  "use_internal_addr": true,
  "adapter": "Trivy",
  "vendor": "Aqua Security",
  "version": "v0.24.2",
  "create_time": "2022-07-14T07:19:14.07259Z",
  "update_time": "2022-07-14T07:19:14.072592Z"
2022-07-14T07:20:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:385]: {
  "registry": {
    "url": "http://core:8080",
    "authorization": "[HIDDEN]"
  "artifact": {
    "namespace_id": 86,
    "repository": "adoptopenjdk/openjdk11",
    "tag": "jdk-11.0.3_7-alpine",
    "digest": "sha256:b150d823c46bc490799bc15ba1d6b6d5b15295791b1f727ded73a77d78eee280",
    "mime_type": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
2022-07-14T07:20:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:167]: Report mime types: [application/; version=1.1]
2022-07-14T07:20:00Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:222]: Get report for mime type: application/; version=1.1
2022-07-14T07:20:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:20:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:21:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:22:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:23:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:24:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:52Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:25:57Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:02Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:07Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:12Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:17Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:22Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:27Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:32Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:37Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:42Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:47Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:53Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:26:58Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:03Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:08Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:13Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:18Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:23Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:28Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:33Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:38Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:43Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:48Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:53Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:27:58Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:03Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:08Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:13Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:18Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:23Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:28Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:33Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:38Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:43Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:48Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:53Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:28:58Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:03Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:08Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:13Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:18Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:23Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:243]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds
2022-07-14T07:29:28Z [ERROR] [/pkg/scan/job.go:292]: check scan report with mime type application/; version=1.1: running trivy wrapper: running trivy: exit status 1: 2022-07-14T07:29:25.302Z �[31mFATAL�[0m  scan error: image scan failed: failed analysis: analyze error: timeout: context deadline exceeded
: general response handler: unexpected status code: 500, expected: 200


Godicefire commented 1 year ago; version=1.1 is not rea me too!

Jun 8 16:34:31 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:31Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds Jun 8 16:34:35 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:35Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds Jun 8 16:34:36 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:36Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds Jun 8 16:34:40 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:40Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds Jun 8 16:34:41 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:41Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds Jun 8 16:34:45 jobservice[21968]: 2023-06-08T08:34:45Z [INFO] [/pkg/scan/job.go:245]: Report with mime type application/; version=1.1 is not ready yet, retry after 5 seconds