aquasecurity / trivy

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perf(misconf): optimize work with context #6968

Open nikpivkin opened 2 weeks ago

nikpivkin commented 2 weeks ago


Unfortunately there is still the mergeVars function, which cannot be optimised due to some limitations. Because of the impossibility to modify cty.Object directly, it is necessary to convert cty.Object into a map, modify it and create the object from the map again. With a large number of resources, such actions generate a large number of objects and take a decent amount of time due to checks and conversions inside the cty package.

Test config:

locals {
  team_repos = [ for i in range(1000): "repo-${i}"]
  teams = [ for i in range(10): "team-${i}"]
  repositories = merge([for team_id in local.teams : { for repo in local.team_repos : "${team_id}-${repo}" => team_id}]...)

resource "aws_ecr_repository" "ecr-repository" {
  for_each = local.repositories

  name                 = each.key
  image_tag_mutability = "IMMUTABLE"
  tags = {
    "Team" : each.value

Before: Memory usage is increasing, scans are not completed in a reasonable amount of time.


/usr/bin/time -al ./trivy conf -q -f json -o report.json /Users/nikita/projects/trivy-test/diss-6958
       29.68 real        40.85 user         0.69 sys
          1221738496  maximum resident set size

Related issues:


nikpivkin commented 2 weeks ago

@simar7 Generating UUID for a large number of blocks takes an impressive amount of time, as system calls are used. Can we enable pooling, or use a lightweight way to generate id for blocks? The probability of collision is low.

simar7 commented 2 weeks ago

@simar7 Generating UUID for a large number of blocks takes an impressive amount of time, as system calls are used. Can we enable pooling, or use a lightweight way to generate id for blocks? The probability of collision is low.

It makes sense but how much of an improvement is it?