aqzhyi / Sublime-Better-Completion

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Unexpected trailing characters #12

Closed gemmaweirs closed 10 years ago

gemmaweirs commented 10 years ago


Just installed this as per your instructions, and I copied and pasted the user settings exactly as you wrote them. But Sublime Text 3 throws up a parse error and says there are unexpected trailing characters. Please can you tell me how to fix it?


aqzhyi commented 10 years ago

I don't know what happened. bug here is my user settings offer to you:

/Users/pleasurazy/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/sublime-API-Completions-Package.sublime-settings

  // --------------------
  // sublime-API-Completions-Package
  // --------------------
  // API files is include the setting *keyword* such as `HTML`, `jQuery`, `myGlossary` as filename `API-completions-${filename}.sublime-settings` place in `/packages/${this-package}/sublime-completions/` or `/packages/User/`.
  // After you enable, disable or added new your own completions, you might need restart your Sublime Text.
  // --------------------
  // APIs Collected by github/Pleasurazy
  // --------------------
  // `true` means load file and enable it
  // `false` means load file and disable it
  "completion_active_list": {
    "HTML"                : true,
    "HTML-attributes"     : true,
    "JavaScript"          : true,
    "jQuery"              : true,
    "myAngularKeywords"   : true,
    "myGlossary"          : true,
    "myJavaScript"        : true,
    "Underscore"          : true,
    "twitter-bootstrap"   : true,
    "myAngularDirectives" : true,
    "myAngularFilters"    : true,
    "CSS-prop-list"       : true,
    // disable
    "twitter-bootstrap3"  : false,
    "myEasyPDO"           : true