ar1sha55 / SEC2613-02-Group-4-SAD-Project

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1.0 Overview of the project (PHASE 2) #11

Open tjasmiine opened 2 months ago

tjasmiine commented 2 months ago

1.0 Overview of the Project It is a standard norm for any individual who intends to pursue their studies in PhD to find a good match for a supervisor. Evidently, a PhD supervisor will serve a huge part in succeeding your study. This is why it is of the utmost importance for students to dedicate some time seeking out a supervisor who will be a great fit. However, devoting too much time finding the right match would be a waste of time. This is where this project helps.

Similar to a dating website, a website with means to help students search for their supervisor will be a great contribution in this field. The fundamental concept behind this is to combine the service of assisting students in looking for their supervisor as well as providing a medium for them to engage with each other once the project is in progress.

Before proceeding, a student needs to register and provide background information such as education, and field of study. While for supervisor, data like which university, field of expertise, and availability of supervision will need to be filled. Basically, on the menu page, the website will provide a list of supervisors and who is accessible to be requested. A filter is also provided to assist students in finding supervisors that fit their specific needs. When students see a profile that interests them, they can click the request button.

When the request button is clicked, a notification will pop-up for the supervisor, and they can check the student’s profile. The only thing to do after is to wait to see if the supervisor accepted you. To help supervisors, they are also encouraged to interview the students first. In any case a supervisor rejects someone, they must provide a suitable explanation, as specified in the F.A.Q section. This section will include a variety of frequently asked questions and detailed answers that will benefit both sides of the user.

Once a supervisor accepts a student, they can begin and update their work via the website. Students can upload their documents in PDF format for the supervisor to examine and review. Supervisors might set a deadline for completing a specific chapter to keep students on track. In regard to this, a calendar with appointments and deadlines is also provided. Like a Google calendar, it will be linked to the supervisor’s and student’s schedules.

In phase 2, we have conducted an interview with the stakeholder, Dr. Ahmad Najmi, a senior lecturer of UTM, to collect information and user’s requirements. After the interview session with the stakeholders, we get to know the current problems that are faced by lecturers and postgraduate students with the existing manual postgraduate supervision system. Besides, the stakeholder had stated his hopes and requirements for this system. From that, we get the idea of the system interface to be designed, the features to be implemented and the overall functionality of the system.

After gathering information from stakeholders, we have a deep understanding of the workflow of the postgraduate supervision system. The workflow is then presented in the Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The DFD is created to show data transfer between entity, process and data store in the system.