ar1sha55 / SEC2613-02-Group-4-SAD-Project

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5.3 Non-functional requirements (PHASE 2) #17

Open tjasmiine opened 4 months ago

tjasmiine commented 4 months ago

Besides the functional requirement requested by the stakeholder, we should also take into consideration the non-functional requirements of this website that will be developed soon. Some functionalities are the speed of the website, the user interface (UI), performance and control of the website.

First and foremost, the website should have the necessary performance speed to ensure the smoothness of the user's surfing experience, especially when trying to find the supervisors. This process may take a long time, hence we must ensure that their user experience is not affected by the lagging performance of the website, which will also affect the review of users. We also intend to make this website mobile friendly, making it responsive and able to adapt to different screen sizes so users can surf the website anytime.

Second, we must ensure that the user interface (UI) of the website is simple, consistent and has good navigation. User experience and user interface work hand in hand, where a good UI will optimize the user experience. The website will have a clean design, where there will be minimal pictures to avoid clusters. The color of the website should match well and have a good readability by using suitable typography. The website also should be interactive to help users engage in their activities during surfing the website. For instance, the joint calendar to mark their appointments, drop-down menu for available scholarship lists and et cetera. Lastly, since this website will be divided into many sections, the navigation is vital so users have a clear vision when surfing the Postgraduate Supervision Module website.

Last but not least, this website should have optimal performance and control. The website will have sufficient security, where we will use password hashing algorithm to verify users to avoid security breach issues. We will also do periodic analysis and tracking to identify user patterns when surfing the website. For instance, are students satisfied with the process of sending supervisor requests? Or are they more inclined towards another method? Therefore, this will ensure that the Postgraduate Supervision Module will deliver the best user experience in terms of its non-functional requirements.