ar1sha55 / SEC2613-02-Group-4-SAD-Project

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8.0 System Wireframe (PHASE 3) #33

Open nikbalqis opened 3 months ago

tjasmiine commented 3 months ago

Pre Login

Main Page

Main Page

Sign Up Page (Account Registration)

Users are required to fill in the informations: Full Name, IC, email and password. As every Malaysian has an unique IC number, this will also used as an unique identifier in a system. Then, users are required to choose their respoective usertype (Student/Supervisor) Sign Up

Pop-Up Message: Registration Successful

Pop-Up Message: Registration Successful

Profile Setup

Users are able to set up their profile by inputting various information to promote themselves. For instance, Students can fill in their academic achievements, intern/working experience etc. Supervisor can fill in their publications, field of study etc. Profile setup

Login Page

Users are able to login to their account after account registration. IC and password input is to authenticate the user's account. Login Page


[Student] Main Menu

Students are able to request for supervisor, schedule an appointment with supervisor through calendar and submit thesis for review. Main Menu - Student

[Student] Filter Supervisor by Field of Study

Students are able to search for supervisor in this page. There is a filtration system that filters the supervisor according to the field of study, This simplifies the searching process. Supervisor Filtration

[Student] Request Supervisor

Students are able to send request to supervisor. Request Supervisor

[Student] Request Supervisor Confirmation

Request Supervisor Confirmation

[Student] Work Submission

Work submission

[Student] Add Submission

Add Submission


[Supervisor] Main Menu

Main Menu - Supervisor

[Supervisor] View Student's Request

Student's Request

[Supervisor] Accept Student's Request Confirmation

Accept Student's Request Confirmation

[Supervisor] Accept Student's Request

Accept Student's Request

[Supervisor] Reject Student's Request

Supervisors are able to fill in any feedback / comment / reasons of rejection. Reject Student's Request

[Supervisor] Review Student's Submission

Review Student's Submission


Merge Calendar

After Supervisor accept Student's request, Student able to merge calendar with Supervisor in order to schedule for appointments / meetings. Merge Calendar

Monthly Calendar

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Calendar

Weekly Calendar