ar1sha55 / SEC2613-02-Group-4-SAD-Project

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3.0 Problem Statement (PHASE 1) #7

Open ar1sha55 opened 3 months ago

ar1sha55 commented 3 months ago

As a lot of things do, the current way for postgraduate students to seek a supervisor has its own pros and cons. However, as it seems right now, the cons have outweighed the pros especially with the advancement of technology and the Internet being a major way of working in this modern world.

First and foremost, finding a supervisor is time consuming. As we are all aware, time is an essential factor in the completion of a Masters/Phd degree as the students are required to do research, presentations and et cetera to attain it. Along with this, they have to go through the hassle of fitting in the time to find a supervisor physically — going to their offices, doing a research on the supervisors and many more which can be simplified by doing it on their own device.

Additionally, the availability of supervisors is also one of the major concerns for postgraduate students, wherein the process of finding a supervisor with almost the same interest of study can be quite challenging. For postgraduate students, their research can be exceptionally specific to the point it is hard to find a supervisor though we are never short on academics these days. Hence, blasting it online helps expand the opportunities of getting a supervisor to assist these postgraduate students.

Besides, with the increasing number of students, surely there will be a competition in the “supervisor market”, where students that are more proactive will have a better chance in securing a supervisor compared to students who are incapable of doing so. Thus, with the existence of this website, every postgraduate student will have no worries in having a supervisor like their peers.

Last but not least, students also experience the problem of being rejected without a clear reason and leaving them hanging. This will result in their pride being diminished as they are not provided with ways of how they can improve themselves to be able to find a supervisor to continue with their postgraduate studies. With the module, supervisors will be required to provide students with the reason for their rejection.