ar4sGPT / Agentic-Decimal-System

SAMA - Semi-auto.Meta-automata
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Sweep: Make a script that does the flowing #7

Open ar4s-gh opened 6 months ago

ar4s-gh commented 6 months ago

2.Create (and expand on) this example folder hierarchy: 0x |-- /index #autogenerated dir |-- /.meta #Controller/Guidace/Agent dir Frameworks/Plain text instructions |-- /.nix #Repo Dependencies/Configurations via nix dir |-- /.sys #Jupyter Lab nb's libraries dir |-- /#00[Projects] #P.A.R.A inspired naming dir | |--/00[Agentic Hexa-Decimal System] #dir | |--/0a[Hex-color-for-signalling-and-orgnization].csv #meta-file

sweep-ai[bot] commented 6 months ago



Thank you for submitting this issue. To help Sweep generate the script you need, please provide some additional details:

  1. What programming language would you like the script to be written in? (e.g. Bash, Python, PowerShell)
  2. What operating system or environment will you be running this script on?
  3. Are there any specific permissions or configurations needed for the script to create the directories?
  4. How should the script handle the case where some or all of the directories already exist?

With those details, Sweep should be able to generate a script that meets your needs. Please update the issue with that information when you have a chance.

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