arXiv / html_feedback

Supports a student project developing a UI for feedback on arXiv articles rendered as html.
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Brackets around references are not rendered #1495

Open icedwater opened 1 week ago

icedwater commented 1 week ago


In the PDF version of the paper, in-text citations like "pre-training phase (Zhou et al., 2023)" show up as "pre-training phase Zhou et al. (2023)" which chunks author names together with the text to be read, making it harder to read. Additionally, I'd like to see if I can deep-dive into this code as well but I couldn't find the right repo to add an issue to when the button failed to load this web form initially. arxiv-vanity and arxiv-readability were a few years old.

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PDF version of the first part of first paragraph HTML equivalent

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello @icedwater, thanks for the issue report! We are reviewing your report and will address it as soon as possible.