arXiv / html_feedback

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Author missed when \author has both star and optional arg #1501

Open blefloch opened 1 week ago

blefloch commented 1 week ago


With Proceedings of Science (pos.sty) style, an author described by \author*[a]{Author name} is not recognized by the html conversion. Probably the following minimal example (simplified from the actual arXiv paper) should exhibit that problem, but I cannot easily test the html conversion. It is not clear to me whether the license of the pos.sty style file allows posting it here, but it is included in some arXiv contributions such as arXiv:2103.02925.

\title{Title of the article}
\author*[a]{First author name}
\author[b]{Second author name}
\author[a]{Third author name}
\affiliation[a]{First affiliation University}
\affiliation[b]{Second affiliation University}
\abstract{A long abstract.}
\FullConference{The conference name and dates}

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html-feedback-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Location in document: p1.1

Selected HTML: [a]Karim Benakli

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello @blefloch, thanks for the issue report! We are reviewing your report and will address it as soon as possible.