arXiv / html_feedback

Supports a student project developing a UI for feedback on arXiv articles rendered as html.
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HTML rendering issues #1514

Open tennlee opened 1 week ago

tennlee commented 1 week ago

Description has multiple HTML rendering issues, particularly at the start of the paper around the title and author list. I am one of the authors. I can try to produce an updated version with a different template if that is the best resolution, but I also thought I would report the issue in case the same issue is affecting other people or in case the maintainers would appreciate the report.

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These screenshots show some of the issues at the start of the paper. In addition, Table 1 fails to render in its entirety - much of the table is cut off (even if I scroll around to the edges). The issues occur whether in light mode or dark mode.


This screenshot shows the issue with the table. The original table had three columns. The left-most column is entirely missing. Only half (the right half) of the middle column is shown. As a result, the table isn't readable.

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello @tennlee, thanks for the issue report! We are reviewing your report and will address it as soon as possible.